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Tooltips for buttons: Feedback, Info, Google+, Tweeter, etc. #243

Open synelnykova opened 10 years ago

synelnykova commented 10 years ago

There are no tooltips for these three buttons: three buttons

And there are inconsistencies with these four ones: share buttons

Give me a link where I can correct existing hints and add the missing ones.

alevgal commented 10 years ago

Directly in theme files. If You are able to edit them via FTP I will send the instructions, or You can send me the text and I will apply it

synelnykova commented 10 years ago

" edit them via FTP I will send the instructions." Please do so. I want to edit them myself.

alevgal commented 10 years ago

For homepage sharing buttons

  1. Connect to FTP
  2. Go to wp-content/themes/
  3. Find following code near line 12:
  1. Edit title attribute for each link For post share buttons
  2. Connect to FTP
  3. Go to wp-content/themes/
  4. Find following code near line 918: function aeg_social_sharing() { $url = esc_url(get_permalink()); $scounts = new SCounts($url); echo "<ul class=\"social-links social-sharing clear\">\n"; echo "<li class=\"soc-ln clear\"><a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Share This On LinkedIn\">LinkedIn<div id=\"lncount\" class=\"soc-counter\">" . $scounts->get_linkedin() . "
\n"; echo "<li class=\"soc-fb clear\"><a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Share This On Facebook\">Facebook<div id=\"fbcount\" class=\"soc-counter\">" . $scounts->get_fb() . "
\n"; echo "<li class=\"soc-tw clear\"><a href=\"$url\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Tweet This!\">Twitter<div id=\"twcount\" class=\"soc-counter\">" . $scounts->get_tweets() . "\n"; echo "<li class=\"soc-gp clear\"><a href=\"$url\"rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\" title=\"Share This on Google Plus!\">GooglePlus<div id=\"gpcount\" class=\"soc-counter\">" . $scounts->get_plusones() . "\n"; echo "\n"; }
  • Edit title attribute for each link(important! Do not remove slahes before quotes e.g. title=\"Share This On LinkedIn\"). For header three links:
  • Connect to FTP
  • Go to wp-content/themes/
  • Find following code near line 115:

  • Info
  •                <li><a href="<?php home_url( '/' )  ?>/blogs/" class="spritebut blog">Blog</a></li>
                   <li><a href="<?php home_url( '/' )  ?>/feedback/" class="spritebut mail">Mail</a></li>
  • Add title attribute for each link
  • alevgal commented 10 years ago

    Sorry, code was converted

    oldjus commented 10 years ago

    I don't think Olga would be able to correct anything on FTP. Olga, please, suggest texts so it will be updated by developers.

    synelnykova commented 10 years ago

    Please update the texts like this: i About Nebel.TV

    feedback icon Feedback

    tv Blog

    Share This On Facebook --> Share This on Facebook! Tweet This! --> Tweet This! Share This on Google Plus! --> Share This on Google+! Share This On LinkedIn\ --> Share This on LinkedIn!

    alevgal commented 10 years ago
