NebraLtd / helium-miner-software

Software for Nebra (and third party) Helium Miners
MIT License
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Multiple Vendor Integration #11

Open ryanteck opened 3 years ago

ryanteck commented 3 years ago

Change config and packetforwarder to handle multiple vendors.

EDIT: Status update:

shawaj commented 2 years ago

Added a task list to the above

shawaj commented 2 years ago

105 has PRs that are nearly ready

shawaj commented 2 years ago

Moved this from #105

Also planning to test shortly on:

And probably some others...

shawaj commented 2 years ago

@marvinmarnold @vpetersson for this bullet point:

handle different global_conf.json for different vendors (rssi_offset settings etc)

currently, this is not possible, but probably lives more in the sx1301 and sx1302 repos - what do you think?

how would it be best to handle this do you think, should it be needed in future? perhaps some kind of flag in hm-pyhelper hardware definitions that it uses customised concentrator configs and the folder name for them or something?