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siad stops responding to siac host and (-v) commands and is not transmitting data up or down #3149

Open grigzy28 opened 5 years ago

grigzy28 commented 5 years ago

I don't know if this is a bug or not, but my siad will start to constantly write to the siahostmetadata.dat file and will stop responding to siac host and siac host -v, and also several other siac commands. After quite some time the siad will start working correctly again and start to send/receive data and respond to the siac commands. It is effectively taking the host into offline mode to the network.

I do not know how long it is in this state before returning to normal but have observed it working and then stop working, then working again and then stop working. Never ending.

I have asked about this in the Discord channels - help and hosting.

Expected Behavior Not to stop responding to commands and appear offline to the host network.

How to reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible) On my system, just running siad.exe and wait, it will repeatedly do this.


Loves777m commented 5 years ago

На какую Windows ставить лучше! У меня 8.0

grigzy28 commented 5 years ago

After watching it and trying to see a patter, I noticed that it only did this after startup of the siad. It does it for about a day or so and then nothing, I was up for over a week without seeing it do this. Had to reboot the machine and it started again after starting siad.

Hope this info helps any.

grigzy28 commented 5 years ago

After working with RBZL on removing a corrupted data folder from my host, we had restarted the host and for the last several hours it has not done this behavior. Could the root cause had been that there was corruption in the siahostdata.dat file?

EvilRedHorse commented 5 years ago

Bug #3111 and bug #3141 may be related to this. They both start with the host module not responding to commands/rpc.

My system stabilized for no apparent reason which makes me think this has something to do with all of us on the network doing this to each other. This started happening only after we started on 1.3.3 maybe enough hosts are down to not affect each other.

I currently have developed a downtime/uptime reporting issue. Where no uptime is added but random downtime is added even though I am up 24/7

grigzy28 commented 5 years ago

I can see Bug #3111 being possible, but he doesn't mention if the host is constantly writing to the hostmetadata file. Bug #3141 possibly not because the host never crashes it just stops responding and then starts responding again. It isn't running out of resources and then crashing like reported in that bug.

As i mentioned earlier, this bug hasn't reappeared again in my system since we had removed that corrupted hostdata file from the host. I don't know for certain if that is any time related or not.

I do think it has only happened to me with 1.3.3 as well. Now what's interesting about mine was that it wasn't responding to host commands, but it would respond to other commands such as the wallet rpc call. I do think it would respond to host folder resize command during that time, but can't be sure since it hasn't happened again that I have noticed.