Necrobot-Private / NecroBot

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1st Bot not playing and timer is inaccurate. #1451

Closed sarsjrn closed 7 years ago

sarsjrn commented 7 years ago

I have a bot switch problem. The first account timer is inaccurate, it should read zero. The first account listed does not switch on to play. I am using SuperBuild Beta 5. The accounts.db, sessionstats.db were all deleted before implementating this version. capture

{ "Bots": [ { "AuthType": "ptc", "Username": "bot1", "Password": "pass1" }, { "AuthType": "ptc", "Username": "bot2", "Password": "pass2" }, { "AuthType": "ptc", "Username": "bot3", "Password": "pass3" }, { "AuthType": "ptc", "Username": "bot4", "Password": "pass4" }, { "AuthType": "google", "Username": "bot5", "Password": "pass5" }, { "AuthType": "ptc", "Username": "bot6", "Password": "pass6" } ],

, "MultipleBotConfig": { "RuntimeSwitch": 50, "RuntimeSwitchRandomTime": 1, "OnLimitPauseTimes": 0, "OnRarePokemon": false, "MinIVToSwitch": 101.0, "EXPSwitch": 1995000, "PokestopSwitch": 1200, "PokemonSwitch": 950, "PokemonPerHourSwitch": 40000, "StartFromDefaultLocation": true, "PokestopSoftbanCount": 100, "DisplayList": true, "SelectAccountOnStartUp": false, "CatchFleeCount": 10, "SwitchOnCatchLimit": true, "SwitchOnPokestopLimit": true }

jjskuld commented 7 years ago

Dup of #1392.