Necrobot-Private / NecroBot

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Closed seasidersmith closed 6 years ago

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

new to Necrobot and only downloaded it yesterday, bought my key from pokfarmer and everytime i start up it says KIllswitch error "the bot emulates API version 0.87.5 which is no longer supported.

I am a complete novice at things like this so really need help with a work around

Furtif commented 6 years ago

see at

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

yes followed that path and download the console version ...... it installed then auto updated to the .400 version and said exactly the same

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

should I reinstall and this time cancel the update?

Furtif commented 6 years ago

read #2016 use appveyor CI or wait for merge lasted PR actif and new release

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

Sorry really new to this and dont understand .... does that mean i have to change something in the code ?

if so whats the path and change required ?

Seen the new post at the bottom of that page but not sure what i have to do from that link

Furtif commented 6 years ago

is simple current release is outed this need merge current PR and release it.. current release x.400 emulates api 0.87.5 current pr emulates 0.89.1, this is not merged only appveyor CI (check build) is availlable

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

Sorry like i said i dont understand the gargon and Language, New to all this and have no idea how to do that. I have completely deleted the files and am going to reinstall. Should i follow the path on Appveyor Ci link ?

Should i then download the .console or .win (bear in mind I all ready followed this path with the .console) after it installed last time via the Appveyor CI link it auto updated to the .400 version and still said the same error code as in the opening post.

What is PR??

Furtif commented 6 years ago ignore update or make this off for moment

on config.json

 "UpdateConfig": {
    "SchemaVersion": 33,
    "CheckForUpdates": true,
    "AutoUpdate": false

pr = pull request

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

om how do i merge the current pull request on 2015 with the file on CI.appveyor and should i use .console or .win?

Furtif commented 6 years ago

all is in ... console wingui rocketbot but is not released almost.... check passed use artifacts

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

so i download all three files?? and it should work??

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

Really sorry I am casual user and my kids are trying to get me to do this for them as they have no idea appreciate the help a lot

Furtif commented 6 years ago

not dowload only wingui or other usualy .... gui = necro gui console = full cmd rocketbot = ligth gui

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

right i will download .win file now and get back to you shortly to see if it works

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

do i just download the program and start up as usual and it should work?

Furtif commented 6 years ago

RocketBot = ligth gui (rocketbot is released to v2.21.1.1 0.89.1 ready)

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

Tried Rocket Bot earlier and it says my Hash Key is completely invalid

Furtif commented 6 years ago

hash keys is not issue necro or rocket see side bossland or other service

necro , rocket, or all other bots or scans need hash keys (if hash service close all this closes also)

Furtif commented 6 years ago

read readme file on this git hub

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

working via the .win download .... i just cancelled the auto update and it seems fine

seasidersmith commented 6 years ago

Thankyou so mu9ch for your help

Furtif commented 6 years ago

no worries all right 👍

megamelon commented 6 years ago

can anyone use the telegrambot? I create a telegram bot but cant receive any information