Necrobot-Private / NecroBot

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Unable To Snipe Pokemons at all, 0 pokemons in sniping list, Please help #2021

Closed DarkSaiyan21 closed 6 years ago

DarkSaiyan21 commented 6 years ago

"SnipeConfig": { "UseSnipeLocationServer": true, "SnipeLocationServer": "localhost", "SnipeLocationServerPort": 16969, "MinPokeballsToSnipe": 20, "MinPokeballsWhileSnipe": 0, "MinDelayBetweenSnipes": 60000, "SnipingScanOffset": 0.005, "SnipeAtPokestops": true, "SnipeIgnoreUnknownIv": true, "UseTransferIvForSnipe": false, "SnipePokemonNotInPokedex": true, "UseSnipeLimit": true, "SnipeRestSeconds": 600, "SnipeCountLimit": 39, "ActivateMSniper": true, "MinIVForAutoSnipe": 70, "MinLevelForAutoSnipe": 0, "AutosnipeVerifiedOnly": false, "DefaultAutoSnipeCandy": 0, "SnipePauseOnOutOfBallTime": 5, "AutoSnipeMaxDistance": 0.0, "AutoSnipeBatchSize": 10 }, "HumanWalkSnipeConfig": { "Enable": true, "DisplayPokemonList": true, "MaxDistance": 1500.0, "MaxEstimateTime": 900.0, "CatchEmAllMinBalls": 50, "TryCatchEmAll": true, "CatchPokemonWhileWalking": true, "SpinWhileWalking": true, "AlwaysWalkback": false, "SnipingScanOffset": 0.025, "WalkbackDistanceLimit": 300.0, "IncludeDefaultLocation": true, "UseSnipePokemonList": true, "MaxSpeedUpSpeed": 60.0, "AllowSpeedUp": true, "DelayTimeAtDestination": 10000, "UsePokeRadar": true, "UseSkiplagged": true, "UsePokecrew": true, "UsePokesnipers": true, "UsePokeZZ": true, "UsePokeWatcher": true, "UseFastPokemap": true, "UsePogoLocationFeeder": true, "AllowTransferWhileWalking": true }, "DataSharingConfig": { "EnableSyncData": true, "AutoSnipe": false, "DataServiceIdentification": "", "SnipeDataAccessKey": "", "EnableFailoverDataServers": true, "FailoverDataServers": "ws://;ws://;ws://", "DataRecieverURL": "ws://" }, "PokeStopConfig": { "UsePokeStopLimit": true, "PokeStopLimit": 700, "PokeStopLimitMinutes": 1350 },

Furtif commented 6 years ago

Sniper servers is off only local mode works

DarkSaiyan21 commented 6 years ago

even the local server is not working. please suggest what to do in order to snipe