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Best folder structure for node project using express #10

Open yashtomer opened 5 years ago

yashtomer commented 5 years ago


Can you share with us best folder structure to build large application in node using express as a framework.

I am new to node and looking for a folder structure that as per your experience you find it easy to configure and manage.

realinit commented 5 years ago
yashtomer commented 5 years ago

Where I will put my controllers ? Is it inside core Also where I will put my models

realinit commented 5 years ago

For controllers, you can use: app -> module For models, you can use : app -> models

vijayksingh commented 5 years ago

I am assuming that you are going to use a Framework, not just plain Node and also my answer might be opinionated but I will tell you that you should go and look out at this framework It might add some time for learning curve but the advantages it will provide you are humongous. Sorry for the vague answer, in a hurry.