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JS: Guide for a beginner #15

Open SomeEarth86 opened 5 years ago

SomeEarth86 commented 5 years ago

Hello Mam,

Hope you having a great weekend?

There is a doubt i am having regarding JavaScipt?

My friend is newbie JS Learner, He somehow finds some paid courses of udemy in free. But after spending some time with those tutorials he wasn't happy?

Doubts he is having are:

Q.1 Is learning JS (from newbie to Professional Level Node/Angular/whatever framework ) is easy from such resources

Q.2 Should he seek/ Enroll himself in some professional Course such as ( or anything ) to increase the pace of learning and as well as there is ensurity that the guidance will be in the right direction ?

Q.3 And if there exist some Professional Course (whether Online or Offline ) what would be the best according to you? (Name of that coaching Near delhi and NCR if any?)

These All question are asked keeping the time constraint in mind (He is passed out from college this year, since it won't be a good situation if he is unemployed for a longer time as it might have negative effect since recruiter keep an eye on the gap aspect )

If these questions are already answered by you or somebody else plz share link as your advice can save my friends's carrer and may give him good direction.

Thank you for your patience

vijayksingh commented 5 years ago

Short Answer :

This will give you enough skills to have a good job at a startup.

Neha commented 5 years ago

When I learned Web Development (HTML, CSS, JS, UI Designing, SEO) at that only 1 site was there . I learned from that, today I have 20+ udemy courses, many other website(s) memberships but my learning speed is very slow. Reason: too many options. So, now I just focus on 1 course, 1 book etc.

For JS, no need to join any institute at all. What he/she needs to do:

1) Pick 1 site (eg w3schools) - go to Javascript section list all the topics of JS. 2) Every day spend 2 hours to just learn them. First, he/she needs to understand basics and methods etc available in JS. 3) Once done, now create small projects in JS. 4) Now, start attending Meetups or start finding mentors to review the code and mentor you (again it is free)

Last but not least: do not compare yourself with anyone. Take your own time to learn. Yes, you need to first learn Javascript before React or angular.

SomeEarth86 commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much for your suggestions, hope he (my friend) will find it also useful.