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NodeJS and Express #21

Open monis001 opened 5 years ago

monis001 commented 5 years ago

Hi Neha, First of all thanks for this AMA and really appreciate this kind of initiative. My question is regarding NodeJS and express (little naive question). I am learning this nodeJS and express stuff and having pain in arranging project structure and following best practices (routes,controllers,db connection). So my question is do you know any good blog,repo,tutorial,article to follow which cover all this from basics or advanced including best practices so that I can quickly do things instead of following some long course or searching on google with lots of links and at end falling into tutorial fatigue. Thanks for your time

Neha commented 5 years ago

Hello @monis001 ,

I follow the following youtube tutorial

and Pluralsight Nodejs course I strongly recommend.

Thanks, Neha