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How to balance work and study life. #23

Open SskYwaLkeR opened 5 years ago

SskYwaLkeR commented 5 years ago

I learned a lot (like aws fastify.js) in first 15 days of my internship I implemented all these by reading medum blogs and all, but I want to know it more deeply... Sadly i am unable to push myself to study after job Do you learn things like this? if not how you manage time after your job to study further

Neha commented 5 years ago


I can understand very well that pushing yourself after a job is hard to learn anything.

What I do is:

I utilize my travel time to/from work my studying as well as over weekends too.

1 thing I learned is keeping 1 hour in office (preferably the time we reach office) to study the things we want to.

How I manage?

It is very-very hard. As I do the job, Meetups, Public speaking, calligraphy etc. For me 'mental peace' is very important. So, I do not push myself hard. I say no to many things, talks, people who are not adding any value (not just monetary but I also check if anything/person will bring some stress) I just don't do.

I have clearly defined my priority:- Job, Meetup etc. Job is always a priority for me. Hence, I give it my 100%. I take breaks from the meetup, public speaking and study and upgrade myself.

I hope this would be helpful. Let me know if you have a question.

Thanks, Neha