NeilFraser / JS-Interpreter

A sandboxed JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript.
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`nativeFunc` should be called with `new` when appropriate #163

Closed bioball closed 4 years ago

bioball commented 4 years ago

When calling into native functions, they should be called with the new keyword if parsed code is also called with new.

Here's the source of this issue:

I think it should read something like:

if (this.calledWithNew()) {
  state.value = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(func.nativeFunc, state.arguments_));
} else {
  state.value = func.nativeFunc.apply(state.funcThis_, state.arguments_);
NeilFraser commented 4 years ago

Can you elaborate on the effect this would have? If I add this change, I need to be able to test it, and I'm currently unable to come up with code that doesn't function under the current system.

Here's what I've got so far:

Init code

      var wrapper = function() {
      interpreter.setProperty(scope, 'Foo',

Interpreted code

Foo.prototype = {
  bar: 2
var f = new Foo();

As expected, the 'Foo!' constructor is called, and the resulting object has a .bar property of 2.

cpcallen commented 4 years ago

I think the point is to wrap a native function that behaves differently when called with and without new (e.g. the native Date constructor).

Of course it's not obvious what should happen in this case:

Another option would be to insert an automatic nativeToPseudo on the return value:

if (this.calledWithNew()) {
  state.value = this.pseudoToNative(new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(func.nativeFunc, state.arguments_)));
} else {
  state.value = func.nativeFunc.apply(state.funcThis_, state.arguments_);

… but this is unlikely to make people happy, since generally the point of new is to create a new instance of a class, and psuedoToNative doesn't really handle setting the prototype of the pseudoObject correctly except in a few limited cases (i.e., the builtins).

bioball commented 4 years ago

The reason I'm proposing this is because I'd like to write a function wrapper that wraps generically, for both constructors and non-constructors. In order to get it to work for constructors, I need to know if the user is calling with new or not.

My wrapper looks something like this:

const wrapFunction = (value, interpreter) => {
  const wrapped = function (...args) {
    const unwrappedThis = unwrapInterpreterValue(this, interpreter);
    const unwrappedArgs = => unwrapInterpreterValue(i, interpreter));
    // If this method was called using `new`, call the underlying function with `new` as well.
    let ret;
    if ( {
      ret = new value(...unwrappedArgs);
    } else {
      ret = value.apply(unwrappedThis, unwrappedArgs);
    return wrapNativeValue(ret, interpreter);
  const wrappedFunction = interpreter.createNativeFunction(wrapped);
  // decorate the function with any properties attached to it
  return wrapObject(value, interpreter, wrappedFunction);

the new (….bind.apply(…)) call suggested by @bioball, requires trusting that the native function being wrapped will not return a native object

I think it's fair to trust this. Calling nativeFunc already expects the return value to not be a native object

In the case that the underlying native function is a JS-Interpreter-specific wrapper, then there is no need for the @bioball's suggested change, because that wrapper can itself call .calledWithNew.

Huh... that's a good point. For some reason, this didn't occur to me. I've changed my wrapper from using to interpreter.calledWithNew(), and it works! This solves my use-case quite nicely.

I'll let you guys decide whether this issue is still worth implementing. If not, I'm happy to close it.

cpcallen commented 4 years ago

Calling nativeFunc already expects the return value to not be a native object.

Absolutely true.

I've changed my wrapper from using to interpreter.calledWithNew(), and it works!


bioball commented 4 years ago

Closing this one out, as it solves my use-case