To Reproduce
This bug can be observed in the conj_ht example with the following changes where the number of boundary IDs are different between v-mesh and t-mesh.
! reconstruct boundary tags
do iel=1,nelv
do ifc=1,2*ndim
if (cbc(ifc,iel,1) .eq. 'v ') boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 1
if (cbc(ifc,iel,1) .eq. 'O ') boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 2
if (cbc(ifc,iel,1) .eq. 'W ') boundaryID(ifc,iel) = 1 ! change it to inlet with value 0
do iel=1,nelt
do ifc=1,2*ndim
if (cbc(ifc,iel,2) .eq. 't ') boundaryIDt(ifc,iel) = 1
if (cbc(ifc,iel,2) .eq. 'O ') boundaryIDt(ifc,iel) = 2
if (cbc(ifc,iel,2) .eq. 'I ') boundaryIDt(ifc,iel) = 3
boundaryTypeMap = v, O
boundaryTypeMap = t, O, I
generating t-mesh ...
loading mesh from nek ... Nelements: 192, NboundaryIDs: 3, NboundaryFaces: 96 done (2.3564e-05s)
polynomial order N: 7, over-integration order cubN: 10
meshParallelGatherScatterSetup N=7
timing gs: 2.27e-04s
used config: local
generating v-mesh ...
loading mesh from nek ... Nelements: 96, NboundaryIDs: 2, NboundaryFaces: 72 done (2.5134e-05s)
meshParallelGatherScatterSetup N=7
timing gs: 1.14e-04s
used config: local
Error in id: lookup of bid 3 field velocity failed!
Desktop (please complete the following information):
The code runs if we manually replace the loop between lines 253 to 262 with the single check.
However, further inspection is needed since this case doesn't have SYM with non-aligned BC
Describe the bug
We should only call
with v-mesh.
To Reproduce This bug can be observed in the conj_ht example with the following changes where the number of boundary IDs are different between v-mesh and t-mesh.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
The code runs if we manually replace the loop between lines 253 to 262 with the single check.
However, further inspection is needed since this case doesn't have SYM with non-aligned BC