Nekmo / amazon-dash

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Script output on journalctl #138

Closed nitantsoni closed 4 years ago

nitantsoni commented 5 years ago

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What is the purpose of your issue?


I was just wondering if there is a way to send the output of a bash script, as specified in the "cmd" field in the config file, to journalctl, under the amazon-dash _SYSTEMD_UNIT

I do have it working with the logger command, but then journalctl -r -u amazon-dash doesn't show them. They instead show up by running just journalctl

Nekmo commented 4 years ago

I think it's not possible, I'm sorry:

But you can use rsyslog and then write to files (on the same or another machine).

Sorry for the delay!

nitantsoni commented 4 years ago

No worries! Thanks for checking on this! 👍