Nekmo / amazon-dash

Hack your Amazon Dash to run what you want.
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Question Telegram editing message #142

Closed Metus88 closed 4 years ago

Metus88 commented 4 years ago

Put an x into all the boxes [ ] relevant to your issue (like this: [x])

What is the purpose of your issue?


Thanks for the tool! It's great! I have only a question about telegram. It works, but the message that I receive when I press the button is: {"message":"Event dash_pressed fired."}

Is it possible to change the message? ( example delating { , " , message ) Where I can do it? Wich file I have to edit? It isn't important. I can use telegram inside home assistant, but it was a curiosity and I will like to use telegram inside your tool.

What I Did

This is how set the telegram part on the amazon-dash.yml

   service: telegram
   is_default: true

Thanks a lot for your job! (And don't worry about my question... it's curiosity only)

Nekmo commented 4 years ago

Hi there! Sorry for the waiting. The message used with Telegram comes from the execution of your action. When Home Assistant executes the event, it returns the message to send to Telegram on Amazon-dash.

There is currently no way to change this message except in Home Assistant. I am developing a new version of Amazon-dash with many more options (including this one).