Nekmo / amazon-dash

Hack your Amazon Dash to run what you want.
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SSIDs containing blanks cannot be configured #161

Closed leres closed 3 years ago

leres commented 3 years ago

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I have dash buttons that are currently associated with one SSID (that contains a blank) and I'm trying to move one to a different SSID that also contains a blank.

One problem is that the wifi network search fails to find the network because the networks returned by ConfigureAmazonDash.get_networks_availables() have escaped values (e.g. My%20Network). I solved that by escaping the ssid used in the search and can see the parameters being sent to the button:


but this doesn't work (the button flashes red when I attempt to use it). I tried using urllib.parse.quote() to do that parameter quoting:


but that fails as well.

What I Did

amazon-dash configure --ssid 'My Network' --password 'SimplePassword'
Nekmo commented 3 years ago

Fixed in PR #160, thanks!