Nelly-Barret / BETTER-fairificator

The fairification tools for BETTER project.
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Int identifiers #62

Open Nelly-Barret opened 1 week ago

Nelly-Barret commented 1 week ago

For now, I build resource identifiers like this:

    identifier: { value: 'ExaminationRecord/155' },
    resourceType: 'ExaminationRecord',

I am thinking on shifting to:

    identifier: { value: 155 },
    resourceType: 'ExaminationRecord',

I first need to check whether FHIR can handle int identifiers or not. In any case, this might be better to have just the int identifier because:

  1. This can be easily converted to int (as opposed to ExaminationRecord/X which we have to split)
  2. This is redundant with the resource type

However, building this Resource/Id identifier when we need it might be costly in the end. To be seen