Nelofarzabi / Capstone_Project

This is my first capstone project at Microverse. I developed this project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which showcases my skills as a front-end developer. With the help of this project, I can earn my first certificate from Microverse.
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Feature/finalized capstone project #1

Closed Nelofarzabi closed 1 year ago

Nelofarzabi commented 1 year ago

You should implement this requirements on capstone project : You can use this design guidelines, to implement your project . The pages should look almost identical to the original design. Small adjustments like text or image changes are acceptable.

You should build only these 2 pages: 1:The home page. 2:The about page.

Each of these pages should have versions for 2 different screen sizes: 1:Mobile: up to 768px wide. 2:Desktop: 768px or wider.

Interactions: Links___ 1:The home page should have a link in the menu to the about page. 2:The logo in the header links to the home page.

Mobile menu 1:When the user clicks (or taps) the hamburger button on the header, the mobile menu appears over the page. 2:There are no guidelines for the mobile menu in the docs, but you should implement it so it is consistent with the design (colors, typography, spacings, etc.). 3:The mobile menu should have a close (X) button that closes the menu.

Dynamic page

1:The section "Featured speakers" should be created dynamically in JavaScript. 2:You should use a JavaScript variable with the data about the speakers and use it when the page loads to create the HTML for this section dynamically.

Here is the Loom video of this project : Capstone_Project_Loom_Video