Nelofarzabi / Capstone_Project

This is my first capstone project at Microverse. I developed this project using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which showcases my skills as a front-end developer. With the help of this project, I can earn my first certificate from Microverse.
MIT License
4 stars 0 forks source link

Peer-Peer-Review #2

Open hetrox8 opened 11 months ago

hetrox8 commented 11 months ago

Good Job so far @Nelofarzabi for implementing all the required changes on your projects , The morning session memebers have reviewed your project and there is nothing more to be implemented , in addition the webisite is perfectly responsive , no overflow of the content . congratulation ..

faisalakb commented 11 months ago

@Nelofarzabi you did a wonderful job. :+1: