Nelsoneer / DasmotosArtsCrafts

Codecademy Project - Unit 2 CSS
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Summary #2

Open farishkash opened 6 years ago

farishkash commented 6 years ago

Overall met expectations.

In this first project I look at two main items for review.

First did you use divs, classes/ids to organize and manage your html.

Great on this part.

Second is your css efficient without any repetition.

This is the only major weakness you had, overall the goal here is to get you into good habits when CSS has many options to reduce repetition of styles such by moving commonly repeated styles into a class or by targeting the element directly.

To prepare you for the upcoming projects go to and see how far you can get. Flexbox will be used heavily in the later projects.

Nelsoneer commented 6 years ago

Hi farishkash, thank you for your comments. I will work on tightening up the css. I get what you're saying. Appreciate your help