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solve for general zzModMatrix #1795

Open martinra opened 2 weeks ago

martinra commented 2 weeks ago

Currently, the code in Flint is only guaranteed to work for prime modulus. I needed more and have implemented it. Currently, I don't want to take the time to polish this up (but if nobody comes before me, I'll do this once my current priority is completed in N months for some large N). In the meantime, I'll leave the code for reference and for discussion. Note that there is a similar issue about matrix inversion #956, which can be resolved with this code also.

Questions that I have:

function AbstractAlgebra.Solve._can_solve_internal_no_check(
    side::Symbol = :left
  if side === :left
    fl, sol, K = AbstractAlgebra.Solve._can_solve_internal_no_check(
                     transpose(A), transpose(b), task, side = :right)
    return fl, transpose(sol), transpose(K)

  R = base_ring(A)
  ps = [(UInt64(p),m) for (p,m) in factor(UInt64(characteristic(R)))]

  if length(ps) == 1 && ps[1][2] == 1
    x = similar(A, ncols(A), ncols(b))
    # This is only guaranteed to terminate sucessfully if the characteristic is
    # prime
    fl = ccall((:nmod_mat_can_solve, libflint), Cint,
               (Ref{zzModMatrix}, Ref{zzModMatrix}, Ref{zzModMatrix}),
               x, A, b)
    if task === :only_check || task === :with_solution
      return Bool(fl), x, zero(A, 0, 0)
    return Bool(fl), x, kernel(A, side = :right)
    @assert task === :only_check || task === :with_solution

    r = nrows(A)
    ca = ncols(A)
    cb = ncols(b)
    caprev = 0
    Ks = []
    xorig = zero(b, ca, cb)

    modacc = UInt64(1)
    while true
      p = first(ps)[1]
      if ps[1][2] == 1
        ps[1] = (p,ps[1][2]-1)
      F,_ = quo(ZZ,p)

      Ared = matrix(F, [lift(A[ix,jx]) for ix in 1:r, jx in 1:ca])
      bred = matrix(F, [lift(b[ix,jx]) for ix in 1:r, jx in 1:cb])
      flag, xred, Kred = can_solve_with_solution_and_kernel(Ared, bred; side)

      if !flag
        return false, xorig, zero(A, 0, 0)

      x = matrix(R, [lift(xred[ix,jx]) for ix in 1:ca, jx in 1:cb])
      K = matrix(R, [lift(Kred[ix,jx]) for ix in 1:ca, jx in 1:ncols(Kred)])
      if modacc == 1
        xorig = x
        xcontracted = x
        for Kprev in Ks
          xcontracted = 
            ( xcontracted[1:end-ncols(Kprev),:]
            + Kprev * x[end-ncols(Kprev)+1:end,:]
        xorig = xorig + modacc*xcontracted

      if flag && isempty(ps)
        return true, xorig, zero(A, 0, 0)

      # A heuristic to keep the matrix A from growing excessively.
      Knz = [jx for jx in 1:ncols(K) if any(!iszero, K[caprev+1:ca,jx])]
      K = K[:,Knz]
      AK = A*K
      AKnz = [jx for jx in 1:ncols(AK) if any(!iszero, AK[:,jx])]
      K = K[:,AKnz]
      AK = AK[:,AKnz]

      b = map(a -> divexact(a,p), b - A * x)
      A = hcat(A, map(a -> divexact(a,p), AK))
      caprev = ca
      ca = ncols(A)
      pushfirst!(Ks, K)

      modacc *= p


A little test

mod = 13^4 * 23^2
R,_ = quo(ZZ, mod)
a = matrix(R, [rand(1:mod) for ix in 1:4, jx in 1:7])
x = matrix(R, [rand(1:mod) for ix in 1:3, jx in 1:4])
b = x*a
fl, xsol = can_solve_with_solution(a, b; side = :left)
b == xsol*a
fredrik-johansson commented 2 weeks ago

Is is desirable at all to have this in Nemo or should this go to flint. In N+N' months I could also attend to this.

We definitely want to have this in Flint!

thofma commented 2 weeks ago

@joschmitt has been implemented solving stuff for arbitrary PIRs that impelement the Howell form. Since this exists, we should just make use of it.

thofma commented 2 weeks ago

It is basically this function here: This works at the moment for quotient rings of rings of integers or valuation rings of local fields. But we discussed moving this to up to AbstractAlgebra so that any ring implementing howell_form can hook into this.

thofma commented 2 weeks ago

@martinra we will cook something up, which will make it work for zzModMatrix and ZZModMatrix (and maybe many more rings!).

martinra commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks! That's fantastic.