Neo-Oli / termux-ubuntu

Ubuntu chroot on termux
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Can't install neofetch, nano and etc #105

Open z4nyx opened 4 years ago

z4nyx commented 4 years ago

Other than that sudo is not working showing bash: sudo: command not found

raldone01 commented 4 years ago

You might not need sudo because by default you are logged in as root. Post your command history and the output of the command id.

nathaneltitane commented 4 years ago

@z4nyx sudo is not installed by default in a core image - you can add it via apt install within the chroot - you should also maybe configure a user and use that profile as default if you would rather have a similar experience to what ships in a finished ubuntu distro environment.

on a similar not though, @Neo-Oli attempting to run htop for instance results in a permission denied error for some reason. I havent attempted to use it under a normal user profile with elevated priviledges, but directly under the root account, it does not launch.
