Neo-Oli / termux-ubuntu

Ubuntu chroot on termux
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Error running #127

Open abraxas86 opened 4 years ago

abraxas86 commented 4 years ago


Error shows up on Note 10+ Running Android Q. Installed wget and proot. Everything up to that point seemed to be going fine.

FWIW echo $PATH /data/data/com.termux/files/home/bin:/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin:/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/app

Is this project still good?

mohit-bhagchandani commented 4 years ago

hey, try this:

"apt-get update "

"apt-get upgrade"

"apt-get install wget"

"apt-get install proot"

"git clone"

"cd ubuntu-in-termux"

"chmod +x"



lmk how it goes :)

sofiadparamo commented 4 years ago

It worked for me! I had the same issue, thank you!

dobe23 commented 4 years ago

Didn't work for me... after doing exactly the same as above I get: bash: /dev/null: Function not implemented bash-5.0#

Trying to install Ubuntu on Chromebook

Thanks in advance for help.

athallarizky commented 4 years ago

i had same issue, it's keep showing error proot.

athallarizky commented 4 years ago

Hey, I solved it by try to run it on root folder of termux.

Try it while open new session in termux :

  1. termux-setup-storage (then it will show "storage" directory if you "ls" here.
  2. git clone here, and try to run that bash file again.

According this post, I think run execution file is not allowed in "/sdcard" directory

sammyirenea commented 4 years ago

It worked for me! Thank you

syl3ntz commented 4 years ago

hey, try this:

"apt-get update "

"apt-get upgrade"

"apt-get install wget"

"apt-get install proot"

"git clone"

"cd ubuntu-in-termux"

"chmod +x"



lmk how it goes :)

This just bypasses the issue that the references an image that doesn't exist anymore... so it can't create the chroot filesystem

syl3ntz commented 4 years ago is the new repo looks like

fugata commented 4 years ago

hey, try this:

"apt-get update "

"apt-get upgrade"

"apt-get install wget"

"apt-get install proot"

"git clone"

"cd ubuntu-in-termux"

"chmod +x"



lmk how it goes :)

I followed these instruction and I was able to sucessfully launch ubuntu. However, after I fire up ubuntu and type "apt-get update" I got an endless stream of error messages like this:

E: The repository ' disco Release' does not have a Release file. N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.

I also get this error message for the repositories disco-updates Release disco-backports Release disco-security Release

Right now I cannot install any software using apt, and so I can't use it. Please help!

TITANHACKY commented 4 years ago Check this guy's it works

R957883 commented 3 years ago

hey, try this:

"apt-get update "

"apt-get upgrade"

"apt-get install wget"

"apt-get install proot"

"git clone"

"cd ubuntu-in-termux"

"chmod +x"



lmk how it goes :)

This just bypasses the issue that the references an image that doesn't exist anymore... so it can't create the chroot filesystem


Jackeer811 commented 3 years ago
