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How to install specific python version #130

Open octavianmm opened 4 years ago

octavianmm commented 4 years ago


I'm trying to build pytorch from source but it seems only python3.6 is supported to do that. However I am unable to install python3.6 in termux-ubuntu - if I run apt install python3, it automatically installs version 3.8. I searched but it seems no 3.6 package is available by deafult.

Any help on this? Thanks

Allan-sketch commented 3 years ago

To do what you can use the following command..

First Make Sure that the package version you need to install exists... Use apt-cache madison [packagename] 2 . If the package version you're trying to install exists, simply run apt-get install [packagename]=[DesiredVersion]

Hope this Solves your Query!! 🖖🏻 for more help contact through gmail: