Neo23x0 / Raccine

A Simple Ransomware Vaccine
The Unlicense
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BSOD on Server 2019 #121

Closed RavenfireIT closed 3 years ago

RavenfireIT commented 3 years ago


I have installed on Server 2019 (Hyper-V Host):

Today I ran another test after shutting down my VMs): vssadmin delete /all - the command completed successfully and the shadows were deleted.

Raccine is fully enabled (not simulation mode).

It appears that it is completely ineffective or not active, and doesn't even post anything to the Event Logs (other than the initial installation).

Am I missing something obvious?

I would expect the system to work on any modern Windows version, and also work regardless of the roles installed on the Server.

Please advise how I can proceed from here ...

Thanks in advance.

Neo23x0 commented 3 years ago

Highly unlikely that Raccine caused a BSOD. Could not be reproduced with a Windows Server 2019 VM.

RavenfireIT commented 3 years ago


Thanks for the reply; the BSOD may have been a coincidence, but I ran the command, everything froze & BSOD before the command could complete.

On the second note: When I ran the command today as a test to eliminate the BSOD, I was able to delete the shadows without issue or any report of the action. Raccine said it was active but did not prevent the destructive command.

It appears that it is completely ineffective or not active, and doesn't even post anything to the Event Logs (other than the initial installation).

Am I missing something obvious?


Neo23x0 commented 3 years ago

I honestly have no idea why you installed it on a Windows 2019 Server. It prevents Ransomware infections that occur within a user session in which users browse the web, open email attachments or run suspicious downloaded software. It doesn't make a lot of sense to install it on a server system.

raomin commented 1 year ago

I also was considering deployment on servers, because this is where I want to avoid ransomware spreading, maybe through an exploit or something... The firsts tests we did showed some instability on one server. Not sure yet if it's linked to Raccine. Do you stand on this @Neo23x0, we should not deploy it on servers?