Neo23x0 / Raccine

A Simple Ransomware Vaccine
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Emotet obfuscation detection ideas to consider #38

Closed Omodaka9375 closed 3 years ago

Omodaka9375 commented 3 years ago

These are some of the techniques used in Emotet PowerShell to obfuscate the code to make the analysis difficult.

  1. Using ` or ^ (escape character) in front of a character with no change in the result when starting PowerShell from cmd.exe:

    • $YYU."DoWnlOadFIle"($asfc."ToStriNg"(), $SDC);
  2. Using iex alias to invoke the PowerShell command:

    • $env:comSpeC[4,26,25]-JoIn'') --> iex

    • “PowerShell ${ENV:comspeC}[4,26,25]-join’ ‘ item (env:Opg).value)”

  3. Strings are concatenate using ‘+’ to reduce readability:

    • '6 http'+':'+'//'+'a'+'lian'+'.'+'d'+'e'+'/'+'4wBY'+'ki/@'
  4. Strings encoded with ascii e.g [chaR]34:

    • Replacing garbage character -repLACE '0mI',[chaR]96
  5. File downloader or string downloader in macro

Detection point: ` , ^ or + for concatination Detection point: env:comspec[4,26,25] Detection point: -rep /rep Detection point: DowloadFile, DownloadScript calls or http/s string in args

Neo23x0 commented 3 years ago

We'll implement these things using YARA in the future from v1 onwards.