NeoAgi / NeoAgi.AWS.CodeArtifact.Pruner

Helper Utility to Mange an Amazon CodeArtifact Domain
Apache License 2.0
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Handle RaiseHelpExeption #12

Closed Habikki closed 9 months ago

Habikki commented 9 months ago

Passing the --help flag raises the help information but incorrectly dumps out a stack trace not handling RaiseHelpException:

USAGE: NeoAgi.AWS.CodeArtifact.Pruner v1.0.1.0
NeoAgi, LLC - 2021 NeoAgi, LLC

-c, --cacheLocation             | Cache Location - Directory to hold for local cache. (optional)
-ll, --loglevel                 | Logging Level - Minimum Logging Level to emit.  Availabile options are None, Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical.  Default is Information. (optional)
-ttl, --cacheTtl                | Cache TTL - Number of hours to consider the Cache Location valid for.  Default is 8 hours.  Set to 0 to delete cache. (optional)
-a, --account                   | AWS Account ID - AWS Account ID to use.  Only necessary if domain and namespace are not unique to the principal provided. (optional)
-d, --domain                    | Artifact Domain - AWS Artifact Domain to query with.
-r, --repository                | Artifact Repository - AWS Artifact Repository to query with.
-t, --threads                   | Concurrency Maximum Limit - Maximum threads that will be used for background tasks.  Set to 0 to assume Processor Count - 1. (optional)
-p, --pageLimit                 | Page Limit - Maximum number of pages to return from AWS Calls.  Default to 50 pages, or about 2,500 packages. (optional)
-i, --checkpointInterval        | Checkpoint Interval - Number of items processed before a checkpoint information log is emitted.  Set to 0 to disable. (optional)
-dr, --dry-run                  | Dry Run - If set to true, all logs will report as if changed occurred yet no modifications will be made.  Default is false. (optional)

Unhandled exception. NeoAgi.CommandLine.Exceptions.RaiseHelpException: Error in the application.
   at NeoAgi.CommandLine.OptionManager.Parse(String[] arr)
   at NeoAgi.CommandLine.GetOpsExtension.FlattenOpts[T](String[] args, String keyPrefix, TextWriter output)
   at NeoAgi.CommandLine.Extensions.Configuration.OptsConfigurationProvider`1.Load()
   at Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationRoot..ctor(IList`1 providers)
   at Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBuilder.Build()
   at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.InitializeAppConfiguration()
   at Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostBuilder.Build()
   at Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\robby\projects\NeoAgi.AWS.CodeArtifact.Pruner\NeoAgi.AWS.CodeArtifact.Pruner\Program.cs:line 22