NeoApplications / Neo-Backup

backup manager for android
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.37k stars 120 forks source link

[Bug] Let's Go button is off the screen #829

Open a1291762 opened 5 months ago

a1291762 commented 5 months ago

Description I cannot get past the first screen as the Let's Go button is off the screen (below the navigation bar). I use old school button navigation rather than gestures.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. use button navigation rather than gesture navigation
  2. launch Neo Backup for the first time
  3. let's go button is below the navigation bar

Expected behavior UI should not go underneath the navigation bar, or a scroll bar should allow the UI to be reached

Screenshots Attached

System Information(please complete the following information):

Additional Notes

Thanks for reporting.

a1291762 commented 5 months ago
