NeoApplications / Neo-Backup

backup manager for android
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] wifi restore doesn't work on android 14 lineageos 21 #860

Open videoman614 opened 2 months ago

videoman614 commented 2 months ago

Description Cannot restore wifi on android 14 lineageos 21

Steps To Reproduce

  1. make backup on old phone android 13
  2. copy files after installing android 14 lineageos 21
  3. install neo backup, provide permissions
  4. restore wifi
  5. reboot
  6. wifi network and passwords are not restored

Expected behavior wifi network and password are restored

Screenshots Only if there's no clear logs, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

System Information(please complete the following information):

Additional Notes

Thanks for reporting.

Rorschach1010 commented 2 months ago

Same here on CRDroid 10.4. Did did work before an earlier CRDroid A14 versions.

Actually it's the same as with

tatl-im commented 1 month ago

Same here on CRDroid 10.4. Did did work before an earlier CRDroid A14 versions.

Actually it's the same as with #858

Hey, that's my bug :D

I've experienced this bug as well as the SMS one, but I want to say that the WiFi AP data does get restored SOMEWHERE.

Here's what I did:

  1. Backup old phone with lots of WiFi APs.
  2. Check the backup; all of the APs are in the XML file.
  3. Restore the backup onto new phone. Even after a reboot, the Saved WiFi APs list in Settings is empty.
  4. Make another backup of the NEW phone with the "empty" WiFi AP list.
  5. Check the XML file in the NEW backup, all of the APs are there.

So Neo did indeed restore the APs somewhere, which it then took a backup of. But clearly it's not the right place.