NeoApplications / Neo-Backup

backup manager for android
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.37k stars 120 forks source link

[Bug] Neo-Backup crashes at boot #874

Open Massedil opened 1 week ago

Massedil commented 1 week ago


A crash occurs at boot on my phone.

Maybe related to the fact I don't permanently allow root access to the app, but only manually when I use it and for 30 minutes.

Anyway, why this app need to launch at boot time if I don't have anything planned ?

ANR in com.machiav3lli.backup
PID: 4507
Reason: Process ProcessRecord{381c915 4507:com.machiav3lli.backup/u0a192} failed to complete startup
ErrorId: 687585d9-c0a4-4490-8639-665e324d41d5
Frozen: false
Load: 2.85 / 0.8 / 0.27
----- Output from /proc/pressure/memory -----
some avg10=0.30 avg60=0.17 avg300=0.04 total=229663
full avg10=0.03 avg60=0.02 avg300=0.00 total=92552
----- End output from /proc/pressure/memory -----
----- Output from /proc/pressure/cpu -----
some avg10=10.90 avg60=8.71 avg300=2.43 total=7998438
----- End output from /proc/pressure/cpu -----
----- Output from /proc/pressure/io -----
some avg10=2.42 avg60=3.94 avg300=1.27 total=4335786
full avg10=1.14 avg60=2.31 avg300=0.77 total=2746895
----- End output from /proc/pressure/io -----
Completed ANR of com.machiav3lli.backup in 1172ms, latency 2ms

Steps To Reproduce

Just reboot the phone.

Expected behavior

No crash.

System Information(please complete the following information):