NeoApplications / Neo-Backup

backup manager for android
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[Bug] Fingerprint backup fails on valid filenames #875

Open b02860de585071a2 opened 1 week ago

b02860de585071a2 commented 1 week ago

Description Per AOSP source, data for the fingerprint sensor may be stored in [...]/settings_fingerprint.xml (legacy location), or in a file generated per given sensor, ie [...]/settings_fingerprint_<sensorId>.xml (for my P8P, this happens to be settings_fingerprint_0.xml).

The fingerprint backup function only checks for (hardcoded) settings_fingerprint.xml:

This results in failure of the backup, because the expected file does not exist.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Rename settings_fingerprint.xml to settings_fingerprint_<number>.xml in a test environment
  2. Select $ Fingerprints under special backups
  3. Attempt to back up
  4. Error thrown: "BackupAppAction$BackupFailedException: ls: /data/system/users/0/settings_fingerprint.xml: no such file or directory - null"

Expected behavior All possible files should be considered when performing checks. Assuming file existence is being checked with some android shell function like:

if ls <file> 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
    <some backup action>
    <return error>

I believe just globbing settings_fingerprint*.xml would work? kt is not my wheelhouse.

Screenshots N/A

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