NeoGeographyToolkit / StereoPipeline

The NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline is a suite of automated geodesy & stereogrammetry tools designed for processing planetary imagery captured from orbiting and landed robotic explorers on other planets.
Apache License 2.0
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Add a --ssh argument to parallel_stereo to select ssh path. #254

Closed mazhe closed 5 years ago

mazhe commented 5 years ago


First of all, thanks for writing, distributing and maintaining ASP!

Using ASP to process a lot of Martian data on a cluster powered by the OAR batch scheduler, the node connection program is a ssh-like (reallly ssh renamed) program called oarsh. In that case, it would be super useful if parallel_stereo would offer an option to select the ssh program to be then passed to gnu parallel.

Would something like this pull request be possible?


-- Matthieu

ScottMcMichael commented 5 years ago

No problem =)