NeoGeographyToolkit / StereoPipeline

The NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline is a suite of automated geodesy & stereogrammetry tools designed for processing planetary imagery captured from orbiting and landed robotic explorers on other planets.
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Follow processing DG raw images tutorial but results are problematic #351

Closed jiangye-dm closed 2 years ago

jiangye-dm commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Follow Section 4.1 in the user's guide. Download the system-ready Stockholm image. Run stereo. It runs fine. But the result seems weird (see attached image of out-PC.tif). In the created DEM tif all pixels are 255

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download system-ready Stockholm images from
  2. Follow the instruction in Section 4.1 and run
    stereo -t dg --subpixel-mode 1 --alignment-method affineepipolar \
    Stockholm_System-Ready_Stereo_50cm/056082198020/056082198020_01_P001_PAN/12FEB16101327-P1BS-056082198020_01_P001.TIF \
    Stockholm_System-Ready_Stereo_50cm/056082198020/056082198020_01_P001_PAN/12FEB16101426-P1BS-056082198020_01_P001.TIF \
    Stockholm_System-Ready_Stereo_50cm/056082198020/056082198020_01_P001_PAN/12FEB16101327-P1BS-056082198020_01_P001.XML \
    Stockholm_System-Ready_Stereo_50cm/056082198020/056082198020_01_P001_PAN/12FEB16101426-P1BS-056082198020_01_P001.XML dg/out
  3. Create DEM
    point2dem dg/output-PC.tif

Expected behavior DEM similar to Figure 4.1

Error Logs, Terminal Captures, Screenshots Show out-PC.tif

Screen Shot 2021-12-01 at 1 37 11 PM

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oleg-alexandrov commented 2 years ago

It is not possible for the DEM to have only the values of 255. Sure you can get junk, not not 255 throughout.

Try to do gdalinfo -stats on your DEM and share the results. Or you can open the DEM in stereo_gui then then hillshade it. It is likely some mistake in visualization somewhere.

jiangye-dm commented 2 years ago

I just noticed by running point2dem dg/output-PC.tif, it creates out.obj, out.png and out.mtl. The png has only 255. There is no tif created. Does out-PC.tif (showed above) looks normal?

oleg-alexandrov commented 2 years ago

You may have ran point2mesh instead of point2dem. If you are very sure you ran point2dem, you can try deleting your build and getting a new one from

Our own very lengthy daily regression with the latest build runs fine and point2dem produces lots of valid DEMs in Tif format.

jiangye-dm commented 2 years ago

I did mistakenly use point2mesh. I changed to point2dem and it generates valid DEM. Thank you!