NeoGeographyToolkit / StereoPipeline

The NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline is a suite of automated geodesy & stereogrammetry tools designed for processing planetary imagery captured from orbiting and landed robotic explorers on other planets.
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disparitydebug: Mismatch between docs and actual command line options #368

Closed dpmayerUSGS closed 2 years ago

dpmayerUSGS commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug There appears to be a mismatch between the command line options listed in the online documentation for disparitydebug and the options that the program actually accepts. As far as I can tell, the options listed when running disparitydebug -h are complete and accurate.

The information in RTD states that disparitydebug accepts an option called --float-pixels, but invoking the program with this option generates an "unrecognized option" error message. I can't find this option listed in the source code for either.

RTD states there is also an option --input-file, which does not appear in the list of options when running disparitydebug -h, and I can't find it in the source code, but running disparitydebug --input-file somefile.tif --output-prefix some_outprefix works as expected.

Expected behavior The command line options in RTD are a complete list of the supported options for disparitydebug and the options listed on RTD match the options listed when the program's help is invoked with the -h flag.

Error Logs, Terminal Captures, Screenshots

user@examplehost:$ disparitydebug -h
Usage: /path/to/ASP/libexec/disparitydebug [options] <input disparity map>

  [ASP 3.1.0]
  Build date: 2022-05-18

  --normalization arg (=auto)  Normalization range. Specify in format: hmin
                               vmin hmax vmax.
  --roi arg (=auto)            Region of interest. Specify in format: xmin ymin
                               xmax ymax.
  --save-norm                  Save the norm of the disparity instead of its
                               two bands.
  --save-norm-diff             Save the maximum of norms of differences between
                               a disparity and its four neighbors.
  --output-prefix arg          Specify the output prefix.
  --output-filetype arg (=tif) Specify the output file type.

  --threads arg (=0)           Select the number of processors (threads) to
  --tile-size arg (=256, 256)  Image tile size used for multi-threaded
  --no-bigtiff                 Tell GDAL to not create bigtiffs.
  --tif-compress arg (=LZW)    TIFF Compression method. [None, LZW, Deflate,
  -v [ --version ]             Display the version of software.
  -h [ --help ]                Display this help message.

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oleg-alexandrov commented 2 years ago

David, thanks. I fixed the doc page at I did not add some of the more advanced options from the tool help page (such as --save-norm or --save-norm-diff) as those are some options I added for some specific purpose and likely have no general use. (To refresh the page, a hard reload may be needed.)