NeoGeographyToolkit / StereoPipeline

The NASA Ames Stereo Pipeline is a suite of automated geodesy & stereogrammetry tools designed for processing planetary imagery captured from orbiting and landed robotic explorers on other planets.
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unrecognised option '--streographic' when running point2dem #440

Closed skyrockets-21 closed 3 weeks ago

skyrockets-21 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug unrecognised option '--streographic' when running point2dem using command as stated in

To Reproduce After completing parallel_stereo, I run the following command:

point2dem --streographic --auto-proj-center \ --errorimage --orthoimage \ run/run-PC.tif run/run-L.tif

Expected behavior Complete with no error

Error Logs, Terminal Captures, Screenshots ERROR: Error parsing input: unrecognised option '--streographic' Usage: /home/ec2-user/SageMaker/ames_stereo_pipeline/StereoPipeline-3.5.0-alpha-2024-07-24-x86_64-Linux/libexec/point2dem [options] [ --orthoimage ]

[ASP 3.5.0-alpha] Build date: 2024-07-24

General options: --nodata-value arg (=-3.40282347e+38) Set the nodata value. --use-alpha Create images that have an alpha channel. -n [ --normalized ] Also write a normalized version of the DEM (for debugging). --orthoimage Write an orthoimage based on the texture files passed in as inputs (after the point clouds). -o [ --output-prefix ] arg Specify the output prefix. -t [ --output-filetype ] arg (=tif) Specify the output file. --errorimage Write an additional image, whose values represent the triangulation ray intersection error in meters (the closest distance between the rays emanating from the two cameras corresponding to the same point on the ground). Filename is <output prefix>-IntersectionErr.tif. If stereo triangulation was done with the option --compute-error-vector, this intersection error will instead have 3 bands, corresponding to the coordinates of that vector, unless the option --scalar-error is set. --scalar-error If the point cloud has a vector triangulation error, ensure that the intersection error produced by this program is the rasterized norm of that vector. See also --error-image. --dem-hole-fill-len arg (=0) Maximum dimensions of a hole in the output DEM to fill in, in pixels. --orthoimage-hole-fill-len arg (=0) Maximum dimensions of a hole in the output orthoimage to fill in, in pixels. --orthoimage-hole-fill-extra-len arg (=0) This value, in pixels, will make orthoimage hole filling more aggressive by first extrapolating the point cloud. A small value is suggested to avoid artifacts. Hole-filling also works better when less strict with outlier removal, such as in --remove-outliers-p arams, etc. --remove-outliers Turn on outlier removal based on percentage of triangulation error. Obsolete, as this is the default. --remove-outliers-params arg (=pct factor) Outlier removal based on percentage. Points with triangulation error larger than pct-th percentile times factor and points too far from the cluster of most points will be removed as outliers. [default: pct=75.0, factor=3.0] --use-tukey-outlier-removal Remove outliers above Q3 + 1.5(Q3 - Q1). Takes precedence over --remove-outlier-params. --max-valid-triangulation-error arg (=0) Outlier removal based on threshold. If positive, points with triangulation error larger than this will be removed from the cloud. Measured in meters. This option takes precedence over --remove-outliers-params and --use-tukey-outlier-removal. --max-output-size arg (=Vector2(9999999,9999999)) Don't write the output DEM if it is calculated to be this size or greater. --median-filter-params arg (=window_size threshold) If the point cloud height at the current point differs by more than the given threshold from the median of heights in the window of given size centered at the point, remove it as an outlier. Use for example 11 and 40.0. --erode-length arg (=0) Erode input point clouds by this many pixels at boundary (after outliers are removed, but before filling in holes). --csv-format arg Specify the format of input CSV files as a list of entries column_index:column_type (indices start from 1). Examples: '1:x 2:y 3:z', '2:file 5:lon 6:lat 7:radius_m', '3:lat 2:lon 1:height_above_datum 5:file', '1:easting 2:northing 3:height_above_datum' (need to set --csv-proj4). Can also use radius_km for column_type. --csv-proj4 arg The PROJ.4 string to use to interpret the entries in input CSV files, if those files contain Easting and Northing fields. If not specified, --t_srs will be used. --filter arg (=weighted_average) The filter to apply to the heights of the cloud points within a given circular neighborhood when gridding (its radius is controlled via --search-radius-factor). Options: weighted_average (default), min, max, mean, median, stddev, count (number of points), nmad (= 1.4826 median(abs(X

Manipulation options: --x-offset arg (=0) Add a longitude offset (in degrees) to the DEM. --y-offset arg (=0) Add a latitude offset (in degrees) to the DEM. --z-offset arg (=0) Add a vertical offset (in meters) to the DEM. --rotation-order arg (=xyz) Set the order of an Euler angle rotation applied to the 3D points prior to DEM rasterization. --phi-rotation arg (=0) Set a rotation angle phi. --omega-rotation arg (=0) Set a rotation angle omega. --kappa-rotation arg (=0) Set a rotation angle kappa.

Projection options: --t_srs arg Specify the output projection as a GDAL projection string (WKT, GeoJSON, or PROJ.4). If not provided, will be read from the point cloud, if available. --t_projwin arg The output DEM will have corners with these georeferenced coordinates. The actual spatial extent (ground footprint) is obtained by expanding this box by half the grid size. -s [ --dem-spacing ] arg Set output DEM resolution (in target georeferenced units per pixel). These units may be in degrees or meters, depending on your projection. If not specified, it will be computed automatically (except for LAS and CSV files). Multiple spacings can be set (in quotes) to generate multiple output files. This is the same as the --tr option. --tr arg This is identical to the --dem-spacing option. --datum arg Set the datum. This will override the datum from the input images and also --t_srs, --semi-major-axis, and --semi-minor-axis. Options: WGS_1984, D_MOON (1,737,400 meters), D_MARS (3,396,190 meters), MOLA (3,396,000 meters), NAD83, WGS72, and NAD27. Also accepted: Earth (=WGS_1984), Mars (=D_MARS), Moon (=D_MOON). -r [ --reference-spheroid ] arg This is identical to the datum option. --semi-major-axis arg (=0) Explicitly set the datum semi-major axis in meters. --semi-minor-axis arg (=0) Explicitly set the datum semi-minor axis in meters. --sinusoidal Save using a sinusoidal projection. --mercator Save using a Mercator projection. --transverse-mercator Save using a transverse Mercator projection. --orthographic Save using an orthographic projection. --stereographic Save using a stereographic projection. See also --auto-proj-center. --oblique-stereographic Save using an oblique stereographic projection. --gnomonic Save using a gnomonic projection. --lambert-azimuthal Save using a Lambert azimuthal projection. --utm arg Save using a UTM projection with the given zone. --proj-lat arg (=0) The center of projection latitude (if applicable). --proj-lon arg (=0) The center of projection longitude (if applicable). --auto-proj-center Automatically compute the projection center, when the projection is stereographic, etc. Use the median longitude and latitude of cloud points. This overrides the values of --proj-lon and --proj-lat. --proj-scale arg (=1) The projection scale (if applicable). --false-easting arg (=0) The projection false easting (if applicable). --false-northing arg (=0) The projection false northing (if applicable).

--threads arg (=0) Select the number of threads to use for each process. If 0, use the value in ~/.vwrc. --tile-size arg (=256 256) Image tile size used for multi-threaded processing. --cache-size-mb arg (=1024) Set the system cache size, in MB, for each process. --no-bigtiff Tell GDAL to not create bigtiffs. --tif-compress arg (=LZW) TIFF Compression method. [None, LZW, Deflate, Packbits] -v [ --version ] Display the version of software. -h [ --help ] Display this help message.

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rbeyer commented 3 weeks ago

I think you have a typo, it needs to be --stereographic with two "e"s.

skyrockets-21 commented 3 weeks ago

Please update the command in example:

point2dem--stereographic --auto-proj-center \ --errorimage --orthoimage \ run/run-PC.tif run/run-L.tif

skyrockets-21 commented 3 weeks ago

I think you have a typo, it needs to be --stereographic with two "e"s.

yes, thank you I spotted it too just now - the example itself on ASP website has typo. thank you @rbeyer

skyrockets-21 commented 3 weeks ago

closing the issue - please update the documentation

oleg-alexandrov commented 3 weeks ago

That was a typo, and I put a fix. Thanks.