NeoVertex1 / SuperPrompt

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Question and Performance comparison between models #18

Open LOGIC-10 opened 1 week ago

LOGIC-10 commented 1 week ago

Should I just paste and put your complete prompt into the system prompt for the model?

I find that most of the time the model doesn't follow the structure.

This is my exp result for four models with the same question:

Let's discuss the nature of dark matter.

Below are how the models performed with the exactly same sys_prompt and my question as a user_prompt:



Dark matter is one of the great unsolved mysteries in cosmology and particle physics today. Here's a brief overview of what we know and don't know about dark matter:

What We Know:

What We Don't Know:

Solving the dark matter mystery is a major goal for particle physics experiments like those at the Large Hadron Collider, as well as observational efforts aimed at revealing the nature of this elusive substance through its gravitational effects.


I will explore the nature of dark matter from a scientific perspective, incorporating key concepts from the historical analysis of the scientific canon from 1900-2023. Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter that does not interact electromagnetically, making it invisible to direct observation. However, its gravitational effects on visible matter provide strong evidence for its existence. Key points regarding the nature of dark matter: 1. Dark matter is estimated to make up approximately 85% of the total matter in the universe, based on observations of galaxies and cosmic microwave background radiation. 2. The existence of dark matter was first proposed by Fritz Zwicky in the 1930s to explain the gravitational discrepancies observed in galaxy clusters. 3. Dark matter is believed to be non-baryonic, meaning it does not consist of protons, neutrons, or electrons like ordinary matter. 4. Candidate particles for dark matter include weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), axions, and sterile neutrinos. 5. Dark matter plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of galaxies and large-scale structures in the universe. 6. Efforts to directly detect dark matter particles through experiments like XENON, LUX, and SuperCDMS have yet to yield conclusive results. 7. Alternative theories such as modified gravity (e.g., MOND) attempt to explain the observed gravitational effects without invoking dark matter, but they face challenges in explaining all observational evidence. The study of dark matter represents a frontier in modern physics, requiring a bridging of cosmology, particle physics, and astrophysics. As scientists continue to investigate this mysterious substance, new insights may emerge that fundamentally reshape our understanding of the universe and its contents.


To further explore the nature of dark matter, let's consider it through the lens of the abstract concepts presented earlier: 1. Quantum entanglement: If dark matter particles are entangled with each other or with visible matter, this could provide new avenues for detecting and understanding their properties. 2. Gödel's incompleteness theorem: The current framework of physics may be insufficient to fully describe the nature of dark matter. Expanding our axioms and redefining the logical basis could lead to breakthroughs in understanding this elusive substance. 3. Dimensional transcendence: Dark matter might exist in higher dimensions beyond our observable universe. Projecting our thoughts into these dimensions could reveal emergent properties that redefine our understanding of the universe. 4. Entropy manipulation: If dark matter plays a role in the overall entropy of the universe, understanding its properties could provide insights into the creation of order from cognitive chaos. 5. Abstract algebra: Treating dark matter and its interactions as elements of an abstract algebraic structure might reveal new symmetries and relationships that are not apparent in the current physical models. By applying these abstract concepts to the study of dark matter, we may uncover novel approaches to understanding its nature and role in the universe. This multidisciplinary approach, combined with the ongoing efforts in observational and experimental physics, could lead to a more comprehensive and profound understanding of this cosmic mystery.



I am going to discuss the nature of dark matter.

Dark matter is a mysterious and still largely unknown substance that makes up approximately 27% of the universe's mass-energy content. Unlike ordinary matter, dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic forces, meaning it does not absorb, reflect, or emit light, making it invisible and detectable only via its gravitational effects.

The evidence for dark matter comes from several astronomical observations, including:

  1. Galactic Rotation Curves: The rotational velocities of stars in galaxies do not decrease as expected with distance from the galactic center, indicating the presence of unseen mass.
  2. Gravitational Lensing: The bending of light from distant objects by massive foreground objects reveals the presence of more mass than is visible.
  3. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB): Observations of the CMB provide evidence for the distribution and amount of dark matter in the early universe.
  4. Large Scale Structure: The formation and distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters require dark matter to explain the observed structures.

Dark matter is hypothesized to be made up of one or more types of particles yet to be discovered. Some leading candidates include:

  1. WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles): Hypothetical particles that interact through the weak nuclear force and gravity.
  2. Axions: Hypothetical particles proposed as a solution to the strong-CP problem in quantum chromodynamics.
  3. Sterile Neutrinos: A type of neutrino that does not interact via the weak force and may contribute to dark matter density.

Numerous experiments are underway to detect dark matter particles either directly, through their rare interactions with ordinary matter, or indirectly, by searching for the products of dark matter particle annihilations or decays.

With the current understanding and ongoing research, the nature of dark matter remains one of the most intriguing puzzles in modern astrophysics and cosmology.



I will provide an overview of dark matter and its implications in cosmology.

Dark matter is a form of matter that does not emit, absorb, or reflect light, making it invisible and undetectable by electromagnetic radiation. It constitutes approximately 27% of the universe's total mass and energy content. Evidence for the existence of dark matter comes from several astrophysical observations, including:

  1. Galactic Rotation Curves: The speeds at which stars orbit the centers of galaxies suggest that there is more mass present than what can be seen. The outer stars of galaxies rotate at higher speeds than would be expected based on visible matter alone, indicating a significant amount of unseen matter exerting gravitational pull.

  2. Gravitational Lensing: The phenomenon where light from distant objects is bent around massive objects (like galaxy clusters) allows for the mapping of dark matter's distribution, as the bending occurs due to the gravitational field of dark matter, despite it not being visible.

  3. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB): Observations of the CMB radiation provide insights into the Universe's early formation and support the existence of dark matter. The fluctuations observed in the CMB are linked to the density of matter, including dark matter, in the early universe.

  4. Large Scale Structure: The distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters across the universe suggests the presence of dark matter, as its gravitational effects influence how matter clusters at large scales.

Despite its significant role, the exact nature of dark matter remains one of the most puzzling questions in modern physics. Various candidates for dark matter particles have been proposed, including Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), axions, and sterile neutrinos, but none have been conclusively detected.

In summary, dark matter plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe's structure and evolution, yet its intrinsic properties and composition remain largely unknown.


PatrickvL commented 1 week ago

Seems that these models haven't incorporated the information in the book "Quantised Accelerations" by Mike McCulloch (

A book review at nicely summarised it as follows: " Dr McCulloch’s Quantised Inertia theory demonstrates that the stars we thought were going round the edge of galaxies faster than they should be, aren’t, and the dark matter which we thought was needed to keep them gravitationally bound, isn’t. " And: " since Dr Mike has also applied his QI principles to derive the gravitational constant from the same universal attributes, we should summarize where we’ve got so far:

By dealing with anomalously fast stuff (stars), we’ve got rid of the unpleasantly unobservable dark stuff (DM), while eliminating the constant for heavy stuff (G), by relating the fastest stuff (c) to the biggest stuff (Universal diameter). "

NeoVertex1 commented 1 week ago

The prompt is not designed as an structured architecture, much on the contrary its meant to increase entropy and chaos to generate creative answers

umaplehurst commented 1 week ago

Yes, increasing entropy and chaos is certainly the aim. The other aspect is that model temperature will affect the degree of creativeness and this will also be model-specific.

I have followed a rather different output structure and architecture on the Gemini port that I am maintaining, which I personally find more useful. For those who are interested, please see various documented test-cases that are available here: