Neocraft1293 / BlockWatch

Le mod BlockWatch permet d'obtenir des journaux pour tous les blocs du jeu.
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Problem with Recording Player Actions in Mod #3

Open Neocraft1293 opened 11 months ago

Neocraft1293 commented 11 months ago

Currently, Minetest does not consider players' placement of certain blocks as a direct block placement action. This happens, for example, with fire lit by a lighter, water and lava poured using buckets, beds, etc.

Neocraft1293 commented 10 months ago

temporal resolution: modify the object code like this (add blockwatch.log_event in the code)

mmmsued commented 10 months ago

But sometimes it would help if you knew, who uses a direct lava source (default:lava_source i.e. without a bucket). This is definitely logged by Minetest (see debug.text). Example:

2024-01-24 11:32:18: ACTION[Server]: singleplayer places node default:lava_source at (36,8,56)