The IBC Tools page is using cosmo-kit to support multiwallets like Keplr and Leap Wallet.
This is great and it's working, but this ticket is to remind us that we can further improve the logic behind, by refactoring the code about the transactions.
At the moment we've 2 ways of sending a transaction:
Via secretjs (used for sending tokens from Crescent to Evmos)
Via @evmos/transactions (for sending tokens from Evmos to Crescent).
The IBC Tools page is using cosmo-kit to support multiwallets like Keplr and Leap Wallet. This is great and it's working, but this ticket is to remind us that we can further improve the logic behind, by refactoring the code about the transactions. At the moment we've 2 ways of sending a transaction:
We can unify/simplify the code by using the transactions methods provided by cosmo-kit ->