NeonGeckoCom / neon-utils

Provides convenience methods for Neon Skills
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[BUG] Got some error/warning when the skill initialize #463

Closed goldyfruit closed 1 year ago

goldyfruit commented 1 year ago


I'm running the skill on ovos as a standalone skill, these are the logs I got from the.

2023-05-10 20:52:57.624 - neon-utils - ovos_workshop.skills.base:__new__:208 - WARNING - AlertSkill not fully inited, self.bus and self.skill_id will only be available in self.initialize
2023-05-10 20:52:57.746 - neon-utils - ovos_plugin_manager.utils:load_plugin:123 - WARNING - Could not find the plugin PluginTypes.LANG_DETECT.libretranslate_detection_plug
2023-05-10 20:52:57.748 - neon-utils - neon_utils.skills.neon_skill:__init__:104 - ERROR - Configured lang plugins not available:

So far the skill is working but not sure we should get this error.

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NeonDaniel commented 1 year ago

It's safe to ignore, but this is complaining because the default language detection and translation plugins aren't present. I don't think this actually affects behavior outside of Neon, so I'll verify that and reduce the log levels here (probably should be info/warning)

NeonDaniel commented 1 year ago

458 refactored this to init translation/detection modules on-demand, so the warnings should not be logged unless/until a skill tries to use the translation/detection module.