Neop / mudmap2

A mapping tool for text-based games, like text adventures, MUDs and MUSHs
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Suggestion: Add Map Object/"Place" Within Map #34

Open avatard opened 5 years ago

avatard commented 5 years ago

We can link from a Place within a Map to a Place within another Map, which is awesome. But that leaves us essentially looking at a link to nowhere on the graphical representation of the parent/source Map.

The idea here is to be able to place an object that is similar to a Place on the Map that takes up one tile. So on the overview of City C, for instance, you could see one tile representing Dungeon D.

Neop commented 5 years ago

Until now my concept is this: You put a normal place representing Dungeon D next to City C and connect the path between the two, then connect that to the entrance place on the other map (Maps -> connect with other place). I'm aware this is not the ideal solution, so I'm open for suggestions.

Would some kind of symbol tile, like an image of a portal or entrance with the dungeon's name be a good solution? (Are there any other uses for such symbol tiles? It sounds like a useful concept, but I haven't played such games in ages) Besides, I'd make this placeholder optional, so users can decide not to create one on cramped maps.

avatard commented 5 years ago

It's definitely possible to graphically represent this concept in the current version. It's the anal part of me that wants the Places to link accurately.

If implemented, I kind of assumed it would be necessary to make it optional for backward compatibility, which adds its own complexity.

The way I picture it, the new Object Type (representing a Map) would graphically appear similar to a Place with a different "Place group," just giving it a different border color (or maybe thickness, rounded border, etc) This Object would display the name of the Map (instead of the actual linked Place within that Map).

This issue could almost be tied in with #19 .

Neop commented 5 years ago

I understand it's no clean solution, but as you describe it I don't think the feature differs enough from just using normal places to introduce it as a separate concept.

19 is about freely arrangeable text labels, more like annotations.

I might implement what I described before, but it will have to wait until March or April since I'm quite busy atm.