Neop / mudmap2

A mapping tool for text-based games, like text adventures, MUDs and MUSHs
42 stars 12 forks source link

Idea: A way to use an image as a background to build the rooms over. Plus other things. #59

Open BurnDivision opened 3 months ago

BurnDivision commented 3 months ago

Basically the background would be an image you can import. It would be kind of cool to be able to map and align paths over images of fantasy realm or something.

Other idea: add a text box dedicated to being a Room Description maybe.

Neop commented 3 months ago

I'll see what I can do but this may take some time!

BurnDivision commented 3 months ago

I'm a fairly patient person, lol. I would just just be happy to see this as it could be used as an easy world building tool for a web-based MUD I am play testing with a developer. He can take the JSON output and convert it into the tables needed for the whatever data basing he does with it.

But yeah this would be cool. I also kind of came up with a concept pic of what I'm talking about if it helps. MudMap 2 example

P.S. I don't know if it's just me, but maybe a dark mode option would be cool. I can live with that being a lower priority.