The release of lua-zmq which can be downloaded for LuaJIT as binaries
does not work with any of the poller test examples (e.g. local_thr_poll.lua) on Windows (e.g. 32bit XP):
The error message that appears is the following:
.\luajit.exe: [string "zmq"]:1880: cannot resolve symbol 'poller_cleanup' : The procedure wasn't found
Note that this error occurs when a poller object gets instantiated, e.g. with the following trivial test example:
local zpoller=require"zmq.poller"
local poller = zpoller(1)
Since I didn't manage to rebuild the zmq.dll with either VisualStudio2010 or MingW properly, is there a workaround or a new version available that doesn't have that problem?
Detailed build procedures for the MS compilers would also be very helpful.
The release of lua-zmq which can be downloaded for LuaJIT as binaries does not work with any of the poller test examples (e.g. local_thr_poll.lua) on Windows (e.g. 32bit XP):
The error message that appears is the following: .\luajit.exe: [string "zmq"]:1880: cannot resolve symbol 'poller_cleanup' : The procedure wasn't found
Note that this error occurs when a poller object gets instantiated, e.g. with the following trivial test example: ... local zpoller=require"zmq.poller" local poller = zpoller(1) ...
Since I didn't manage to rebuild the zmq.dll with either VisualStudio2010 or MingW properly, is there a workaround or a new version available that doesn't have that problem? Detailed build procedures for the MS compilers would also be very helpful.
Thanks for your support