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[Tweak] Secondary override should not override movement #1238

Open 3x1t-5tyl3 opened 3 years ago

3x1t-5tyl3 commented 3 years ago

--Making this issue for DAWKY & QueenHidi ( @StarfishHidari )--

Every controller except Index if 2 tools are equipped negates all movement (all analog input on that hand). AFAIK no controller uses a joystick for input on a [ToolTip here]. As such restricts movement for no reason and hinders workflow.

It should only override jump (For example click in on joystick on CV1)

@StarfishHidari (QueenHidi#1111 on the Discord) for CV1 @dawky (dawky#0001 on discord) for Rift S

Personally own an Index.

shadowpanther commented 3 years ago

Agreed. Oculus Touch (Rift S) thumbstick is completely disabled on tool equip, which changes control scheme to one-handed with one tool and disables movement with both. I don't remember ever using thumbstick axes for anything except movement, so this control scheme change shouldn't be occurring in my opinion.

shiftyscales commented 3 years ago

This is unlikely to be considered or added, sorry. I know it can be frustrating, but there is good reason why this behavior is the way that it is.

Currently in Neos, the 'secondary' input (joystick, touchpad, whatever it happens to be) can only be assigned to one function at a time, whether that's exclusively locomotion, or exclusively tool. This is the only way to ensure the most consistent user experience, and is the cleanest design technically as well.

While not every tool that has a secondary that uses the axis, some can, and in the future there are plans to extend the functionalities of many of the tooltips such that they do utilize more of the inputs available to them via the secondary axis.

For user tools, you can ensure that the tool will allow use of the secondary axis for locomotion by unchecking the 'use secondary' property on the raw data tooltip.

StarfishHidari commented 3 years ago

can an additional option be added to block secondary, but not block joystick movement? currently if we check "use secondary" it blocks joystick movement even if we aren't using the joystick movement at all

shiftyscales commented 3 years ago

That wouldn't be added for the reasons discussed above, @StarfishHidari. As noted, secondary is addressed as one module, e.g. an entire touchpad including its click/axis, an entire joystick including its click/axis, etc.

Zyzyl commented 3 years ago

I recently got a new headset and ran into this with the new controllers (Reverb G2, issue wasn't present on my 1st gen WMR controllers) and I don't find this to be good UX - the sudden change in locomotion control is jarring and frustrating. I appreciate the UseSecondary property can be used to free up joystick options if they aren't required by the tool. However that also just leads to a inconsistent experience because users have to mentally remap their locomotion controls in a tool-by-tool manner. Dual wielding tools which use secondary results in a user being unable to move unless they dequip a tip which feels very clunky.

I hope the button remapping mentioned here will help users to resolve this for themselves, but I personally would encourage openness to making design concessions to UX regarding the default mapping.

Frooxius commented 3 years ago

There's just not really a good alternative to this. Either you'll lose ability to use locomotion on the controller or you won't be able to use some functionalities of the tool. The later one is much worse, because it would make some tools unusable and inconsistent.

Originally both controllers would behave the same, with both having turning, but no strafing, to avoid this. However the demand for turn + strafing was so high that we had to settle on this compromise.

With more UI rework I want to look into making more tools only need the trigger and not rely on the secondary, which would eliminate cases like this, but if the tool needs the joystick/touchpad, then it simply can't be used for locomotion.

Stellanora64 commented 1 year ago

I formally request for this issue to be re-opened. This being due to already exiting solutions being available, other alternatives are possible, and after thorough testing I have yet to find any major edge cases with the existing solutions implementation. (The solution in question being a mod which can be found here: )

I also understand that grabbing an object would need to lock locomotion on non-index controllers. I have only made this comment in regards to secondary actions with a tooltip equipped.

However, if the previously mentioned solution does not meet your standards after review then I offer you the following alternatives:

Swap the secondary and dash buttons around on non-index controllers by default:

Give people the option to disable locomotion override in the settings menu, even if it may hinder some tools functionality:

Add an option to override locomotion in the raw data tool tip component (and other tool tips that are applicable) and disable it by default on all current tools that do not require this functionality:

Final thoughts:

shadowpanther commented 1 year ago

I agree that this issue needs to be considered again. Personally, I'm in favour of separating "use secondary" and "use joystick axes" into two separate options. That might require to update some older user-made tools, but also that new property might be made to copy the old behavior on older schema load, and the default tools updated to not require axes specifically.

Lexevolution commented 1 year ago

To add my two cents to this, I believe that the control scheme that is used most of the time, should not be overriden unless explicitly stated. Some of the current default tools, do not state anywhere that their secondary axis (which isn't even in use for them) overrides the default joystick axis action. I think it is okay that it does override it, but I think it should become a habit for creators of tools and for the default tools to notify the user when default functionality changes.

Also if creators need to use it, to only enable it when needed.

The best way would be to have separate secondary options for click and axes, like @shadowpanther states. Another idea I had would be to combine menu and context buttons, like the vive wands, to free a button on the controller, and have some secondary functionality there, and only when needed, the joystick sencodary functionality would turn on and override the default functionality.