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Improve mapping for Rift Touch controllers #14

Closed Frooxius closed 6 years ago

Frooxius commented 6 years ago
Frooxius commented 6 years ago

Done, Rift now has custom control mapping, Vive has been improved as well (particularly Sliding and Flying) using Google Earth style controls.

Cannot slide to the sides though, that would interfere with the snap turning. Shouldn't be an issue though, because going to the side can by achieved by simply pointing the controller to the side, so it would be quite redundant anyway.

Build with improved controls was pushed to nightly.

riftopia commented 6 years ago

I tried it, this is already much better on Rift and more immersive. Apps like VR chat use a different button to do snap turning, so also the sides can be slided to. I understand there are way more functions in NeosVR which require the buttons to be used differently, but still. There will be a lot of people who dislike snap turning as they feel it is immersion breaking (not myself, I prefer snap turning). This is one extra reason why sliding in all directions is a wish you will hear more I am guessing. Another reason is that yes you can point to the left and right using snap turning, however it is much less accurate when you want to go to a specific point by turning as the increments are pretty big (as they should be for snap turning).