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Dynamic variables unsupported character visualization #1426

Open Earthmark opened 3 years ago

Earthmark commented 3 years ago

Dynamic variables are real powerful, but an issue I've personally encountered and seen others encounter is the restricted characters in a dynamic variable name. When I started using them I used double colons as a delimiter, and I've seen someone recently use dashes as a word separator based on previous language experiences and an understanding it was pretty flexible name wise. It's fine that there's restricted symbols, but currently all that happens is the variable fails to bind, making the experience of using the variables in this case very frustrating.

If possible, can some kind of indicator be added to some of the dynamic variable things to indicate that is an invalid name and that's why it's not binding?

Frooxius commented 3 years ago

I don't plan on adding one specifically just to dynamic variables, as that would require a fair amount of hacking it in. I do want to have a more generalized documentation system that ties into inspectors and LogiX, which could contain this information.

Earthmark commented 3 years ago

Ok, just wanted to bring up the pain point, thanks for considering it in the future! Feel free to close the issue as you see fit, duno if you want to keep it open as a remindre of the issue.

Toxic-Cookie commented 3 years ago

In the meantime, is there a list we can refer to of illegal characters?

ProbablePrime commented 3 years ago

Froox talks in the Patch Notes about the standard variable Spaces: World Roots have "World", User roots have "User" - Userspace(Your dash and other private UI) has "World" - "You cannot use punctuation and symbols in the variable or space name except for ., _ and (space)" -