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when using the new bubble people have no way to see it as its not a .......... Bubble #2642

Open peterthethinker opened 2 years ago

peterthethinker commented 2 years ago

when using the new bubble people have no way to see it thusly they cant tell at a glance If it they are in someones bubble and thusly being rude.

2021-07-14 07 04 33

c;learly in this pic I would not have a way to know where the left users bubble is and how to avoid it with ease..,.

This is a bug as it breaks the social construct of what the bubble means.

There needs to be a visuial element to the top and bottm so that its a 3D space .

NOT a flat plane

We dont play neos in top down 2D view .

BlueCyro commented 2 years ago

The bubble was changed to be less of an obstacle and more of a suggestion. As far as I'm aware whisper bubbles won't have the same behavior as they do now forever, and this is a step in that direction. They are also not meant for privacy, and people should stop using them for that purpose.

RyuviTheViali commented 2 years ago

The whisper mode visual was changed to a ring to have the mode’s visuals be less isolating, and more welcoming. Inherently whisper mode may be more private, but it’s also not secure as anyone can poke their head into the bubble and eavesdrop. This visual change is also in anticipation for future changes to whisper mode.

Electronus commented 2 years ago

I feel its worth mentioning that it has a intersect glow for anything well intersecting with it.

peterthethinker commented 2 years ago

unknown problem solved..

AshtonSparx commented 2 years ago

unknown problem solved..

That makes it look like a UFO portal.. BEAM ME UP SCOTTY

epicEaston197 commented 2 years ago

The whisper mode visual was changed to a ring to have the mode’s visuals be less isolating, and more welcoming. Inherently whisper mode may be more private, but it’s also not secure as anyone can poke their head into the bubble and eavesdrop. This visual change is also in anticipation for future changes to whisper mode.

I like the isolating factor of whisper mode because when I get overwhelmed or they're too many people I just want to isolate myself and calm down

I would like to have a toggle between isolate mode and whatever this new mode is perhaps between ball mode and whatever this cylinder is

also how in the hell are you supposed to customize a circle?

shiftyscales commented 2 years ago

Apologies from the sudden change, this is something that had been discussed internally for quite a while, but it was pointed out that compared to other changes such as the headset/hands, this is not something that we telegraphed/gave users time to understand/anticipate happening.

We intend to do better in the future to keep our users informed when changes like this will be made.

As mentioned by others, the changes were primarily made to make the visual more open, and inviting. In tight spaces, or with a lot of users crowded together, the existing visual was very noisy/cluttered. Additionally, it gave an impression of privacy as you appeared to be visually isolated from others around you, and others couldn't hear you unless inside the bubble.

But that isn't actually a secure means to hold a private conversation, so the visual's design was modified to reflect its intended use as a means to dampen external sources of noise while chatting with those close to you.

There are plans to change some of the function of the bubble itself to further tailor its design for our intended uses of it, but not before there is a quick/convenient means to establish a properly private communications channel with other users, e.g. a calling system.

This is something that is a ways out though, and likely won't be until after the contacts UI itself is reworked. For now, it's solely a visual tweak, and one that currently only exists on the default head and hands avatar.

@epicEaston197 - you can still modify the whisper visual the same way you always can by changing its material, and even mesh. Nothing has changed there.

shadowpanther commented 2 years ago

There are plans to change some of the function of the bubble itself to further tailor its design for our intended uses of it, but not before there is a quick/convenient means to establish a properly private communications channel with other users, e.g. a calling system.

As a suggestion, when this change is made (and assuming the audio DSP is available in some form by then), make the voice of the whispering user appear dampened and muffled, like coming from the apartment next door (and vice-versa for the external voices). This would allow outside users to gauge the general mood of the hushed conversation and to decide whether they should pitch in or avoid it.

kulzae commented 2 years ago

Personally i think it should be wider. maybe like a "ribbon" that goes around the user. the ring can be a little difficult distinguishing where it really begins or ends. so a wider ring could be a decent solution

peterthethinker commented 2 years ago

Like yall said. contacts are a part of this at the root.

So If I may...

Here is a behavior that would be Nice that would Negate the need for the bubble in some use cases and would also be more secure.

click on name badge .OR name in the session panel ( note 1). as (( Some users disable the name colliders on your custome text ext . or its suck in your head or hat))) ....

This takes you to the persons contact page .... There is a button that says
"Invite to Pvt world" or something.

The Convo-world would load in the background and time out after lets say 2 Min? ( discuss )

The Person on the RX end gets the same normal Invite as they get now! ( maby the text or box is Diff to make it Obvious its a Convo-world and not just a generic invite??) When the Invite is accepted then both are popped in that world......

BUT you would not need to be a mutual contact to do this .

However. If you have blocked/banned them or Vis a Vis then you cant . so you must simply be" just not contacts "for it to work. any other condition sans already contacts ( obviously ) would not let you invite them.

This is to prevent invite spam and abuse for banned users ect,

It's a big change but for a long term road map to repace the bubble may be a good fix!


Part 2

People who mention how isolating the visual bubble is . ( regardless of its Function ) are valid and Exists and deserve a fix!

So are the people who WANT the isolation. ( easton )Me ect

SO how do we Fix the "here and now". '

The 3 ring cyl I posted a a few posts up would I feel be a OK balance From My side of the problem. and is still way more open ! win-win? It still Visually thus mentally defines a Volume and shows the keep-away-zone.

"As mentioned by others, the changes were primarily made to make the visual more open, and inviting. In tight spaces, or with a lot of users crowded together, the existing visual was very noisy/cluttered. Additionally, it gave an impression of privacy as you appeared to be visually isolated from others around you, and others couldn't hear you unless inside the bubble."

We all know Its as secure as a 1990s Cell phone.
I dont use it for things that are personally Pvt . more for info that is need-to-know.

And for MODERATION ! Neos is Obsessed with hosts being able to Self mod there sessions., this change effects this !

Ive had to use it to pull some one who needed to chill away from a group and not embarrass them in front of every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In that use case I want to Keep others away. and DO want to impression that this convo is Not inviting or open!
By this being reduced in usability Ill just go in to Broadcast and just use that, ( thats Very mean!) kick and ban? thats Very heavy handed for a thing that could have been handled On the spot with the bubble.

I like seeing the bubble as it means as a user I can see where not to go and Ya know

respect peoples desire to be left alone!!!
And In a packed area I can with precision get close but not clip in to there zone.

The intersect approach is in my eyes the shoot to kill zone on the Koren DMZ I should not need to touch the fence to know where it's at !

stove is hot . Touch it . thats silly

What Yall need is better Audio controll that alow for a Real whispter mode and have better use audio reatime audio drop off rates.

personalty as we have shout We Should make the normal audio mode a tad less range !

and I have a fix for this that will need its own GH thead for it ..

           Note 1:   It would be killer cool to use make the name or a button on the  Seesion/users  pane be active to that  If you  click on that name or a button * info?* next to it . it takes you  to the  persons contact page.

the same way it happens if you click on the name badge In game.

this sloves many problems..

Psychpsyo commented 2 years ago

While I'm not completely against the new ring, I also think it provides too little of an indication of where it stops at the top and bottom. / anywhere in between. And while I agree that whisper bubbles shouldn't be used for proper private conversations, so far, if I've been in a whisper bubble with someone, I generally didn't want other people popping in at random.

peterthethinker commented 2 years ago

You hit the nail on the head...... A single ring denotes a circle plane.

Like the spawn pad !!!!!!!!

Even a 1Ft tall band or "ribbon" as kulzae calls it .. would hint to an assumed Volume not 2D plane.

peterthethinker commented 2 years ago


you can still modify the whisper visual the same way you always can by changing its material, and even mesh. Nothing has changed there.

just a FYI. this has shifted the burden on to US for a change many of us did not ask for. Or vote on . or have a chance to review.

What may be No big deal to Fix in your and many peoples eyes Is also Beyond scope to fix for also many of us in here. I would be ignorant to tell any one on here to . "Just solder Pin14 on IC2 to pin2 on Cap3 "

What I Strongly suggest is to implement a Tool like Turk made for avatars.

add on to it. so that any User can use the texture tool and shoot the one they want at a quad that is in this tool and the avitar also reflects this change .

you DONT need to know the name of stuff in the inspector.

its on its own GUI and at the same token , this cool tool can also assign away textures too! I see it as a opportunity to Really streamline stuff

shadowpanther commented 2 years ago

Isn't the new "ring" bubble only added to the default headset avatar? When you create a new avatar yourself, I think you still have the same old bubble, not the new one.

peterthethinker commented 2 years ago

It is ! and that as stated was VERY poorly communicated

However It still is a very poor visual for denoting a 3D Volume .

and to prevent this from being a issue later on . lets find a Visual fix now.


This is a 3D cube..

AshtonSparx commented 2 years ago

What I Strongly suggest is to implement a Tool like Turk made for avatars.

add on to it. so that any User can use the texture tool and shoot the one they want at a quad that is in this tool and the avitar also reflects this change .

its on its own GUI and at the same token , this cool tool can also assign away textures too! I see it as a opportunity to Really streamline stuff

I think we need component access to be able to reference materials with a press of a button. It's made even more complicated if an avatar has multiple meshes. We can't change materials on the fly without using an inspector. Same with blendshapes. You still need an inspector for that kind of stuff to reference it into the tool so it can drive those values.

shadowpanther commented 2 years ago

We don't need component access to remove the default slot with the visuals and add the prefab for another set of visuals. See how Turk's took installs the nearclip, for example.

AshtonSparx commented 2 years ago

We don't need component access to remove the default slot with the visuals and add the prefab for another set of visuals. See how Turk's took installs the nearclip, for example.

The nearclip doesn't need you to reference anything besides a user, and referencing a user is simple. However, a simple away indicator requires you to reference the meshrenderer and you can't do that with logix as far as I know. To fully replace a whisper bubble, you need to re-reference the Root of the whisper bubble and the Scale of the whisper bubble on the head proxy

shadowpanther commented 2 years ago

You don't need away indicator for a whisper bubble, and the whisper bubble itself looks self-contained enough to just duplicate it as a slot onto an avatar.

peterthethinker commented 2 years ago

thats the Issue. " to just " is subjective to complexity ....

stand back and put themselves in the shoes of a noob and build to spec...

If the effort is more then the stuff like the avatar FBT calibrator . you have raised the bar too high for It to be Consumer friendly .

is Neos a IDE for Coders . or is it a Metaverse made for 90% of normies ?

I Just made a Plasma vapor deposition chamber today to sputter on metallic coatings. after designing my own HV 30kV power-supply I just did this in a day. .

I did physics lab stuff. >

not for the masses . and I dont ever expect the masses to do this "to just " tint plastic >>

Think like you are building for grandparents and you can never go wrong.

epicEaston197 commented 2 years ago

We dont play neos in top down 2D view .

wait a minute you don't? image