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Headless client cannot accept certain combinations of command-line arguments #3880

Open Nytra opened 1 year ago

Nytra commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug?

When trying to use some combinations of command-line arguments with the headless, the argument parser will fail. This happens when you try to combine arguments meant for regular Neos (such as "-LoadAssembly" or "-Invisible") with arguments meant for the headless (such as "-c", "-l", "-d").

This is thought to be caused by two different argument parsers processing this string. One of them belongs to regular Neos and is the one which knows what "-LoadAssembly" and "-Invisible" means, and the other is a part of the headless client, and is the one which can understand "-c", "-l", "-d".

If the headless argument parser encounters an argument that it does not understand, it will fail to use any of the arguments.

This essentially means that it is not possible to give arguments meant for regular Neos and the headless simultaneously.

Note: especially in the case of "-LoadAssembly", the headless will throw an error stating that it did not understand the argument, even though the assembly did actually get loaded by Neos.

Relevant issues


To Reproduce

Attempt to launch the headless with arguments:

...\NeosVR\HeadlessClient\Neos.exe -l "...\NeosVR\HeadlessClient\TestFolder" -Invisible or ...\NeosVR\HeadlessClient\Neos.exe -Invisible -l "...\NeosVR\HeadlessClient\TestFolder"

Note that the logs do not go to the TestFolder.

Now launch with the following (without "-Invisible"):

...\NeosVR\HeadlessClient\Neos.exe -l "...\NeosVR\HeadlessClient\TestFolder"

Note that the logs now do go to the TestFolder.

Expected behavior

Any combination of arguments will work.

Log Files

DESKTOP-H976HO2 - 2022.1.28.1335 - 2023-04-22 14_27_52.log DESKTOP-H976HO2 - 2022.1.28.1335 - 2023-04-22 14_30_07.log



How often does it happen?


Does the bug persist after restarting Neos?


Neos Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?

Windows, Linux

Link to Reproduction Item/World

No response

Did this work before?

I Don't Know

If it worked before, on which build?

No response

Additional context

No response


Nytra (Nytra#8595)