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Headless host user shows in at VR #3893

Open maksim789456 opened 1 year ago

maksim789456 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug?

If check headless user by "User Inspector" or "User VR Active" logix node, it shows that the user in VR

Relevant issues

I don't find it

To Reproduce

In "User Inspector":

In "User VR Active" logix node:

Expected behavior

At "User Inspector" in "vrActive" field and "User VR Active" logix node shows false for headless host user

Log Files

No response


Neos_SkyryPdg6p image

How often does it happen?


Does the bug persist after restarting Neos?


Neos Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?

Windows, Linux

Link to Reproduction Item/World

No response

Did this work before?

I Don't Know

If it worked before, on which build?

No response

Additional context

No response


U-maksim789456 maksim789456#1260