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Bug: Dynamic Variables don't invalidate properly when destroyed #3916

Open JackTheFoxOtter opened 11 months ago

JackTheFoxOtter commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug?

Not quite sure if the description is accurate, but the issue definitely exists and is easily reproducable.

It seems like when a slot with Dynamic Variables on it gets destroyed and immediately re-created (from a template), non-local clients never see the variables updating and incorrectly sync the last value they saw back into the dynamic variable space.

Relevant issues


To Reproduce

2023-06-13 17 12 38

The Slots "Target Space" and "Template Space" each have a DynamicVariableSpace component. The Slot "State" has a single DynamicValueVariable, it's set to 0 in the template.

The steps are

If the local user is the only user in the world:

If other users are present in the world:

Expected behavior

The resulting value should be 0 regardless of if other users are present in the world, since it's getting copied over from a template and is never intentionally changed afterwards.

Log Files

No response


No response

How often does it happen?


Does the bug persist after restarting Neos?


Neos Version Number


What Platforms does this occur on?


Link to Reproduction Item/World

No response

Did this work before?

I Don't Know

If it worked before, on which build?

No response

Additional context

I think what's happening is that the other user never sees the value / dynamic variable space change / update because the resulting hierachy is identical. For whatever reason though, the other user then re-syncs the last value they have seen into the dynamic variable space. I think that only the user that actually changed the space should sync what they see as the value, as they are the one that changed it / have the correct value.

In my test case, the local user was the host. I'm not sure if this makes a difference.


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gentlecolts commented 10 months ago

Interesting bug, I don't think the hierarchy is identical as I'd assume the slots would have different refs, which is what would actually matter. If I had to guess, because this is all happening on the same update cycle, it's possible that only some users may see the variable "leave" the space before it's re-created, as if, for example, to them the old slot was duplicated (now two references to the variable in the space) before the old one was deleted (back to one reference, was never a need to garbage collect/unreference)