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Eyes desynchronised on SteamVR Linux stable/beta #3921

Closed purplebar0 closed 11 months ago

purplebar0 commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug?

Playing Neos on Linux, natively or under Proton 5.13-6 (or any other Proton version), moving the head around reveals that eyes are desynchronised and movement of one eye is delayed compared to the other.

This is not the case with SteamVR 1.14, however under the current stable and beta versions of SteamVR it makes the game unplayable.

Relevant issues


To Reproduce

  1. Play SteamVR out of the box or choose beta "beta"
  2. Launch Neos

Expected behavior

The eyes move at the same rate and don't create the distracting effect.

Log Files

No response


No response

How often does it happen?


Does the bug persist after restarting Neos?


Neos Version Number

Beta 2022.1.28.1335

What Platforms does this occur on?


Link to Reproduction Item/World

No response

Did this work before?

I Don't Know

If it worked before, on which build?

No response

Additional context

No response


No response

shiftyscales commented 11 months ago

@purplebar0 Do you have any footage depicting the issue? When you say it is delayed, do you mean positionally?

That may be #1563 / #2334 which are basically describing what sounds to be the same issue.

How certain are you about platform specificity? Have you also tried replicating this under Windows?

purplebar0 commented 11 months ago

Update: With a bit more testing, I concluded that this is an issue in some, but not all games -- SteamVR Home, Neos and King Kaiju had the issue, but not The Lab. It is clearly a SteamVR Linux issue in newer versions, it may not be worth fixing...

Here's footage, although I don't think the issue is demonstrated well in VR view:

To be more specific, it appears to be a reprojection issue, one eye lags in a stuttery way behind the other. It's inconsistent and appears to only happen in some rotations.

I have not tested this on Windows and I don't have a Windows installation to test on, but it's safe to assume this is SteamVR Linux-specific because it's a known issue: (I wrongly assumed that unsetting cap_sys_nice as per fixed the stuttery reprojection).

shiftyscales commented 11 months ago

I don't think there's anything we can do on our end regarding this then- from what you're reporting, it sounds as though this is more of an issue with the compositor/VR runtime?

purplebar0 commented 11 months ago

I don't think there's anything we can do on our end regarding this then- from what you're reporting, it sounds as though this is more of an issue with the compositor/VR runtime?

Appears so; I doubt there's anything to do in regards to Neos about this, so I'm closing the issue.