Open LuisHPorras opened 3 months ago
First of all, thanks a lot for your work, looks great and I'm willing to be able to test it and make use of it!
I'm just trying to make use of the plugin but I'm not able to do it. I'm following the docs, install the dependencies, configure the mkdocs.yml:
# ... some config nav: - Inicio: - 'Hoja de ruta': - Cliente: - Inicio: client/ - Servidor: - Inicio: server/ - API: server/ - 'Meta-documentación': # ... more config plugins: - search - git-revision-date - neoteroi.mkdocsoad: use_pymdownx: true markdown_extensions: - admonition - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true - toc: permalink: true
Create the new entry in the docs ./server/
# __API__ [OAD(./openapi.yaml)]
Provide the openapi generated json file in the samse directory. And I get the following error when launching mkdocs serve:
mkdocs serve
ValueError: Invalid source: it must be either a path to .json or a .yaml file, or a valid URL.
I'm using Swagger editor to validate the openapi file and it doesn't contain errors. You can find the code at PROECOS branch 19-documentation
I haven't found much information for troubleshooting in the docs, I'll be willing to PR with updated docs if we get to find the solution.
I've got the same issue, not including [OAD(./openapi.json)] in the md file makes mkdocs build succeed. Having it included fails with noted error.
mkdocs build
First of all, thanks a lot for your work, looks great and I'm willing to be able to test it and make use of it!
I'm just trying to make use of the plugin but I'm not able to do it. I'm following the docs, install the dependencies, configure the
:Create the new entry in the docs
:Provide the openapi generated json file in the samse directory. And I get the following error when launching
mkdocs serve
:I'm using Swagger editor to validate the openapi file and it doesn't contain errors. You can find the code at PROECOS branch 19-documentation
I haven't found much information for troubleshooting in the docs, I'll be willing to PR with updated docs if we get to find the solution.